- Compatible with 3.0 coming soon
- Compatible with 2.3 version 1.1.0
- Compatible with 2.2 version 1.0.1
If you want to create a specific Animation, aside the current animations, SlideMenuDovi is made for you :).
First you need to look at SliderMenuOptions, this structure will give you a full list of options (width, opacity, shadow, status bar, etc)
public struct SliderMenuOptions {
// Define the left side
public static var leftViewWidth: CGFloat = 242.0
public static var leftBezelWidth: CGFloat = 16.0
public static var leftPanFromBezel: Bool = true
// Define the right side
public static var rightViewWidth: CGFloat = 242.0
public static var rightBezelWidth: CGFloat = 16.0
public static var rightPanFromBezel: Bool = true
// Type of animation
public static var animationType: SliderMenuAnimation = SliderMenuAnimationDefault()
// Menu will open or close only after passing this value
public static var pointOfNoReturnWidth: CGFloat = 44.0
// Opacity of the view between the MainViewController and the Menu (Left or Right)
public static var contentViewOpacity: CGFloat = 0.0
// Sliding view will be set with a shadow
public static var shadowOpacity: CGFloat = 1.0
public static var shadowRadius: CGFloat = 12
public static var shadowOffset: CGSize = CGSizeMake(0,0)
public static var shadowColor: UIColor = UIColor.blackColor()
// Animation duration
public static var animationDuration: CGFloat = 0.4
// Alow or not to open menu after more then 1 ViewController into UINavigationController's stack list of VCs
public static var openMenuOnlyFirstViewController: Bool = true
// Status bar options
public static var hideStatusBar: Bool = false
public static var showsStatusBarBackground: Bool = false
public static var statusBarBackgroundColor: UIColor = UIColor.clearColor()
Then you need to override SliderMenuViewController like this:
import SlideMenuDovi
class YourRootViewController: SliderMenuViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let main = YourMainViewController()
let left = YourLeftViewController()
let right = YourRightViewController()
self.initPanel(main, leftMenuViewController: left, rightMenuViewController: right)
override func setupSlidingMenuOptions() {
//Setup any SlideMenuOptions that you want to change inside this method
SliderMenuOptions.animationDuration = 0.2
SliderMenuOptions.statusBarBackgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
Done your project is setup with a SlideMenu!!!
- Classic animation, main view will slide
SliderMenuOptions.animationType = SliderMenuAnimationDefault()
- Android animation, left or right side will slider over center view
SliderMenuOptions.animationType = SliderMenuAnimationSliderOver()
You are not happy with the 2 default animations, do not worry daddy is here to help you :). To create your own Animation you just need to implement SliderMenuAnimation which implements 5 protocols (AnimatorChecker, AnimatorFire, AnimatorGesture, AnimatorVector, GlobalVariables).
public class SliderMenuAnimationX: NSObject, SliderMenuAnimation {
public var silderMenuGesture: SliderMenuGesture {
get {
return SliderMenuGestureDefault.sharedInstance
* Change the order of those views
public func orderList() {
if SliderMenuOptions.showsStatusBarBackground {
If you want to override any protocol there is 2 ways:
create a new file into 'AnimationType/SliderMenuAnimationX.swift'. Extend one of the SliderMenuAnination (can be SliderMenuAnimationDefault or SliderMenuAnimationSliderOver) and override all the methods you need.
public class SliderMenuAnimationX: NSObject, SliderMenuAnimation {
public var silderMenuGesture: SliderMenuGesture {
get {
return SliderMenuGestureDefault.sharedInstance
* Change the order of those views
public func orderList() {
if SliderMenuOptions.showsStatusBarBackground {
public func isLeftSideOpen() -> Bool {
// set the right result by using **GlobalVariables**'s methods (**SliderMenuAnimation** all ready implement **GlobalVariables**)
create a new file into 'AnimatorChecker/AnimatorCheckerX.swift' which will implement AnimatorChecker or AnimatorCheckerSliderOver. You can do the same with all others protocols (AnimatorFire, AnimatorGesture, AnimatorVector, GlobalVariables)
public protocol AnimatorCheckerX: AnimatorChecker {}
extension AnimatorCheckerX {
public func isLeftSideOpen() -> Bool {
// set the right result by using **GlobalVariables**'s methods (**AnimatorChecker** all ready implement **GlobalVariables**)
create a new file into 'AnimationType/SliderMenuAnimationX.swift'. Extend one of the SliderMenuAnination (can be SliderMenuAnimationDefault or SliderMenuAnimationSliderOver) and extend too the new protocol you just create AnimatorCheckerX
public class SliderMenuAnimationX: NSObject, SliderMenuAnimation, AnimatorCheckerX {
public var silderMenuGesture: SliderMenuGesture {
get {
return SliderMenuGestureDefault.sharedInstance
* Change the order of those views
public func orderList() {
if SliderMenuOptions.showsStatusBarBackground {
Done you just create your own Animation :)
* Check if menu is open or close
public protocol AnimatorChecker: GlobalVariables {
func isLeftSideOpen() -> Bool
func isLeftSideHidden() -> Bool
func isRightSideOpen() -> Bool
func isRightSideHidden() -> Bool
* It will fire the animation
public protocol AnimatorFire: GlobalVariables {
func toggleLeft()
func toggleRight()
func closeLeft()
func closeRight()
func openLeft()
func openRight()
func addShadowToView(targetContainerView: UIView)
func removeShadow(targetContainerView: UIView)
func animateLeftSideToOpen()
func animateLeftSideToClose()
func animateRightSideToOpen()
func animateRightSideToClose()
* It will be call when the Pan gesture (left or right) is activated
public protocol AnimatorGesture: GlobalVariables {
func beganLeftTranslationGesture()
func changedLeftTranslationGesture(frameTranslation: CGRect)
func endLeftTranslationGesture(velocity: CGPoint) -> PanInfo
func beganRightTranslationGesture()
func changedRightTranslationGesture(frameTranslation: CGRect)
func endRightTranslationGesture(velocity: CGPoint) -> PanInfo
func applyLeftGestureTranslation(translation: CGPoint, toFrame:CGRect) -> CGRect
func applyRightGestureTranslation(translation: CGPoint, toFrame:CGRect) -> CGRect
* It will be call to close or open menu
public protocol AnimatorVector: GlobalVariables {
func resetAnimationLeftSide()
func resetAnimationRightSide()
func transitionToSize(transitionCoordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator)
func openLeftWithVelocity(velocity: CGFloat)
func closeLeftWithVelocity(velocity: CGFloat)
func openRightWithVelocity(velocity: CGFloat)
func closeRightWithVelocity(velocity: CGFloat)
All those Protocols implement GlobalVariables which will help you to get access to all information you need.
* Give you access to all you need
public protocol GlobalVariables: class {
var rootView: UIView { get }
var menuTools: MenuTools { get }
var menuViews: MenuViews { get }
var menuViewControllers: MenuViewControllers { get }
var animationType: SliderMenuAnimation { get }
var gesture: SliderMenuGesture { get }
var leftViewController: UIViewController? { get }
var rightViewController: UIViewController? { get }
var mainViewController: UIViewController? { get }
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
SlideMenuDovi is using swift 2.2
SlideMenuDovi is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SlideMenuDovi"
Edouard Roussillon
SlideMenuDovi is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.