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The Dira Website

It “lives” in a Git repository, is statically generated (well, at present really just statically created), and online at since December 2021.

In 2023 we contracted to redesign the website. It now uses Bootstrap (no longer W3CSS) and the custom CSS is generated and minified from scss/custom.scss (keep these files in sync, either with a scss processor or manually).

Please keep this simple and static.


Presently hosted at GitHub Pages, straight from the GitHub repository. Things to consider:

  • GitHub Pages only works for a public repository
  • GitHub Pages publishes the docs/ directory on the main branch
  • need empty file docs/.nojekyll to disable Jekyll
  • turned on “Enforce HTTPS”: HTTP requests get a 301 (permanent redirect) to HTTPS; good
  • configured the custom subdomain and the custom apex domain; a DNS CNAME record points to and several DNS A records point to the GitHub servers
  • read the GitHub Pages docs about custom domains


  • – what you are reading now
  • docs/ – the finished site to be published
  • docs/dist/{css,fonts,icons,img,js}/ – published static assets
  • docs/scss/ – custom CSS source for new site
  • docs/foo/ – subfolders for topics may be used
  • docs/v1/index.html – the old (version 1) site for reference
  • docs/prosuite/doc/api/* – generated Python prosuite documentation

(I'd prefer to rename docs/ to site/, but docs/ is required by GitHub Pages, where we intend to publish. The empty .nojekyll file is also for GitHub Pages.)

Editing Workflow

  1. Git: Clone the repository (once only)
  2. Edit the web site. Remember: only files in docs/ are published. Files outside this folder, like this README file, are not part of the published web site.
  3. Test locally: open your local copy of index.html in a browser (better: several browsers), navigate to your changes, test behavior. You may use the browser's Debugger tools (F12) to simulate small screens and look into the console for errors and warnings.
  4. Git: review and commit your changes. Use a short but descriptive commit message.
  5. Git: push your commit(s) to GitHub; it will automatically publish the changes within a few minutes.
  6. Test the published web site: navigate to and review your changes with your Desktop browser and your mobile browser.


In der Schweiz gibt es seit 2012 eine Impressumspflicht (revidiertes Gesetz über den unlauteren Wettbewerb UWG). In Deutschland gibt es das als Anbieterkennzeichnung schon länger. Es geht darum, dass der Urheber der Seiten zweifelsfrei identifiziert und kontaktiert werden kann. Also: Firmenname (wie im Handelsregister eingetragen), funktionierende Mail und Postadresse, optional Telefonnummer und Firmennummer. Dies entweder auf jeder Seite oder auf jeder Seite einen Link zu einer Impressum-Seite.

Achtung: für eine Geschäftstätigkeit in Deutschland/EU sind weiter erforderlich:

  • Name und Vorname einer vertretungsberechtigten Person
  • Telefonnummer
  • Umsatzsteuer- oder Wirtschaftssteuer-Identifikationsnummer (wenn vorhanden)
  • Handels-, Vereins-, Partnerschafts- oder Genossenschaftsregister mit Registernummer (falls vorhanden)


Weiter ist eine Datenschutz-Erklärung zwingend. Sobald die Seite von EU-Bürgern verwendet wird, werden diese sich auf die DSGVO berufen, wir müssen also auch hinsichtlich DSGVO eine vollständige und korrekte Datenschutz-Erklärung erstellen und auf jeder Seite (im Footer) verlinken. Bei Hosting auf GitHub Pages (oder wo auch immer) ist sicher mindestens auf deren Datenschutzerklärung zu verweisen.



Should we decide for site usage statistics, we could use good old StatCounter (I'm using this for the IEG site) or Google Analytics as in the snipped below. But beware that we have to update our privacy policy accordingly!

<!-- Google Analytics: change UA-XXXXX-Y to be your site's ID. -->
<script> = function () { ga.q.push(arguments) }; ga.q = []; ga.l = +new Date;
  ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto'); ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true);
  ga('set', 'transport', 'beacon'); ga('send', 'pageview')
<script src="" async></script>

Search Engines


The “hamburger” symbol ☰ has Unicode 2630 (hex) or 9776 (dec). Use the entity &#9776; ☰ or &#x2630; ☰ in HTML.

First drafts of the Dira Logo were created on here: The present version was drawn from scratch in Inkscape.

HTML5 Boilerplate comes with a host of metadata/files. Here is a short summary of how they work:

Icons and Tiles

  • favicon.ico can be created with Gimp: just export to *.ico
  • icon.png is the Apple Touch Icon for iOS devices
  • tile.png and tile-wide.png are for IE11 tiles

Meta Files

  • robots.txt – config site crawling, see
  • browserconfig.xml – settings for IE11 and Edge browsers, see
  • site.webmanifest – the Web App Manifest, see below
  • 404.html – should be returned on HTTP/404 errors (works with GitHub Pages)
  • CNAME – required by GitHub Pages
  • .nojekyll – required by GitHub Pages (to avoid Jekyll processing)

Web App Manifest

The web app manifest belongs to the realm of progressive web apps (PWAs) and allows a web site to be installed on a mobile device's home screen (without an app store). It is a JSON file referenced from HTML with <link rel="manifest" href="FILE">. Mozilla has the details.

Open Graph Metadata

The og:foo meta tags are for the Open Graph Protocol, a Facebook thingy that helps control what Facebook (and others) display when their users share this page. Details on
