Documents for this Research Metadata Store project
Deakin Customisation to Footprints (aka ReDBox) and Mint
HowTo: Customise, Build and Deploy Mint/ReDBox
This project is a plugin for The Fascinator project: though, typically, it would be used in an institutional build of RedBoX: . You will need to run your servlet container behind a shibboleth enabled web server like Apache. See:
Apache example using mod_proxy_ajp:
ProxyPass /redbox ajp://localhost:8009/redbox
ProxyPassReverse /redbox ajp://localhost:8009/redbox
<Location /redbox/default/sso/shibboleth>
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
require valid-user
Add the following to the config/server/jetty/etc/jetty.xml file of your institutional build:
<Call name="addConnector">
<New class="org.mortbay.jetty.ajp.Ajp13SocketConnector">
<Set name="port">8009</Set>
In /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml add attributePrefix="AJP_" to the ApplicationDefaults element:
<ApplicationDefaults ...
To compile the fascinator-shibboleth plugin:
#> mvn install
To enable Shibboleth ib your institutional build (when using ReDBox for example) add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
You will need to add the unpack-shib-conf execution to the maven-dependency-plugin:
<!-- 1st - Unpack Generic Mint setup -->
<!-- Shibboleth Resources -->
In the sso section of home/config/system-config.json, enable the Shibboleth plugin:
"sso": {
"plugins": ["Shibboleth"],
Add the Shibboleth configuration section:
"use_headers": "false",
The use_headers
element enables the Shibboleth plugin to process the request HEADERS
along with the request ATTRIBUTES
for Shibboleth attributes. This is disabled by
default because it posses a security issue as clients can spoof the request headers.
The username_attribute
element indicates which Shibboleth attribute contains the
user's username.
The cn_attribute
element indicates which Shibboleth attribute contains the user's
common name.
The session_attribute
element indicates which Shibboleth attribute contains the
Shibboleth session ID.
The idp_attribute
element indicates which Shibboleth attribute contains the
Shibboleth IDP value.
The attributes
element contains a list of Shibboleth attributes that will be extracted
from the request and attached to the session for processing by role managers etc.
The delimiter
element contains the character or string that will be used to split
attributes that have multiple values delimited by the delimiter. eg: the affiliation
attribute often contains more than on value:
the rolePlugins
element is a list of SimpleShibbolethRoleManager IDs that will
be enabled by this configuration. eg. the config above enables the
SimpleShibbolethRoleManager with:
When the SimpleShibbolethRoleManager is enabled it will need to be configured. It expects to find its configuration in the existing Shibboleth block, for example:
The format of the SimpleShibbolethRoleManager block is:
[ //
[attribute, operation, rule_value], //Rule1 // Rule Group 1
[attribute, operation, rule_value] //Rule2 //
] //
[ //
[attribute, operation, rule_value], //Rule3 // Rule Group 2
[attribute, operation, rule_value] //Rule4 //
] //
is the role that will be applied.attribute
is the Shibboleth attribute attached to the session.operation
is the ID of the ShibSimpleRoleOperator plugin to use.rule_value
is a value passed to the operation along with the value of theattribute
retrieved from the session.
Within a role
's rule groups, the results of each operation are logically AND
ed together.
Between a role
's rule groups, the rule group's results are logically OR
ed together.
The first Role above would thus be evaluated as:
(Rule1 && Rule2) || (Rule3 && Rul4)
There are currently two types of plugins that can be implemented to extend the functionality of the fascinator-shibboleth plugin:
The ShibbolethRoleManager plugins allow developers to implement there own plugin for assigning roles to users. The ShibSimpleRoleOperator plugins allow developers to extent the functionality of the SimpleShibbolethRoleManager by implementing new operations. Both of these plugins use the standard Fascinator plugin mechanisms.
You can add the following to your server/jetty/resources/logback.groovy
file to enable the output of the Shibboleth SSO plugin's debug messages to ${logHome}/logs/shibboleth.log
appender("Shibboleth", RollingFileAppender) {
file = "${logHome}/logs/shibboleth.log"
rollingPolicy(TimeBasedRollingPolicy) {
fileNamePattern = "${logHome}/logs/archives/%d{yyyy-MM}"
maxHistory = 30
encoder(PatternLayoutEncoder) {
pattern = "%d %-8X{name} %-6p %-20.20c{0} %m%n"
logger("", TRACE, ["Shibboleth"])