With CodeProject effectively shutdown to new contributions and entered Read-Only mode. This extension is no longer of any use. So it is unlikely to ever be updated or re-worked.
Google Chrome Extension - CodeProject Template Items
If you are a regular user of CodeProject, or maybe an article moderator, mentor, or even spend your time answering questions in the Q&A section, how many times have you found yourself posting the same thing? How many times have you found yourself heading over to the FAQ list to copy the link to the Article FAQ? Once, twice, ten times? What about going to find a previous post you have made to copy that and use again to save typing it all again?
That is how this utility was born. I thought there must be a better way, considered keeping a text file, but discounted that idea, and thought hang on, I'll make another Chrome extension. I've done it once already, so it should be fairly easy to repeat the success of that.
The utility allows the user to create template items that are stored within the browser context, and at the click of a button, insert a selected template item straight into your forum message or answer. You can even just keep small snippets, e.g., a link and be able to quickly add that to your message/answer.
For more details visit the article page on CodeProject; http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/244083/Google-Chrome-Extension-CodeProject-Template-Items