New apps:
- Elgato 4K Capture Utility
- Elgato Audio Effects
- Elgato Camera Hub
- Elgato Control Center
- Elgato Game Capture
- Elgato Stream Deck
- Elgato Video Capture
- ReplaceWithDot switch on internal Get-Version function now does dot replacement prior to matching as it should
- URLs now fully resolved in MicrosoftWindowsADK
- 8x8 Work now returns full 4-part version number (replacing dash with a dot)
- Version numbers corrected on Adoptium Temurin LTS releases
- Fixed Zoom VDI
Known issues:
- Harman Air SDK URL does not allow direct download without accepting license agreement
- IBMSemeruRuntime broken as web service returning malformed JSON
- RedstorBackupProStoragePlatformConsole broken
- Citrix Files returns time-limited URLs