Transforms robot sensor data into symbolic facts for planning. Generates facts for mobipick_labs. Facts about objects are generated using the poses of the tables (given by a config file) and the results of the object pose estimation created by DOPE (Deep Object Pose Estimation).
The symbolic fact generation assumes the poses of the detected objects to be stored in the pose_selector.
Use the provided launch files to launch the fact generation:
roslaunch symbolic_fact_generation fact_generation.launch
Launches the mobipick_labs fact generation and publishes the facts on the following topics:
/fact_publisher/facts symbolic_fact_generation/Facts
/fact_publisher/changed_facts symbolic_fact_generation/ChangedFacts
The first topic publishes all current facts every second, while the second topic only publishes changes in facts, new facts and removed facts.
Another way of generating the facts specified in the config file is to import the fact generating class in python:
from symbolic_fact_generation.fact_generation_with_config import FactGenerationWithConfig
fact_generator = FactGenerationWithConfig(config_path)
current_facts = fact_generator.generate_facts()
specific_facts = fact_generator.generate_facts_with_name(fact_name)
returns all facts specified in the config file, while generate_facts_with_name(fact_name)
only returns the facts with the given name,
which also needs to be specified in the config file.
You can also import the fact generating class directly. For example only using the "on" facts:
from symbolic_fact_generation.on_fact_generator import OnGenerator
on_generator = OnGenerator(fact_name, objects_of_interest, container_objects, pose_selector_query_srv_str, planning_scene_param)
current_facts = on_generator.generate_facts()
Every Generator class has a generate_facts()
function, which returns a list of Fact
To create different facts, a fact generator class with a generate_facts()
function is needed:
generate_facts(self) -> List[Facts]
In the classes __init__
constructor needed sensor information or other connections can be established for the fact generation to work.
Additionally in a config file the name of the fact, the python module as well as which python class generates the fact needs to be provided.
Parameters for the classes __init__
constructor can also be provided (e.g. topic names, object names, etc.) in this file.
An example can be seen here: config/facts_config.yaml.
Marian Renz -
Marc Vinci -