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CyanTrigger Settings

CyanLaser edited this page Aug 12, 2021 · 2 revisions

Settings Menu

CyanTriggers have their own settings menu. This can be found under “Windows/CyanTrigger/CyanTrigger Settings”. There are four main categories for the settings window:

  • Info header
  • Actions
  • UI Settings
  • Favorites

Settings Menu

Info Header

This section shows the current version of CyanTrigger installed. It also provides useful likes.


This setting contains buttons to perform specific CyanTrigger opperations. Currently there are only two buttons:

  • Compile Triggers - Clicking this will gather all CyanTriggers in the scene and compile them. Note that saving the scene or entering play mode will also recompile all CyanTriggers in the scene.
  • Clear Serialized Data - CyanTriggers generate Udon programs in order to run in VRChat. These Udon programs are stored in the CyanTriggerSerialized folder. Clicking this button will delete all programs. The next time CyanTriggers are recompiled, all necessary programs will be regenerated.

UI Settings

The UI Settings currently only has one option. This option is to show Action Parameters. When disabled, each action will only show its namespace and action name. When enabled, along with the namespace and name, the parameters will also be displayed in the action allowing you to quickly glance at an action to understand what it is and what data it is using.


There are currently three different favorite lists that users can modify: Variables, Events, and Actions. Each of these favorite lists will affect what is displayed when you click the favorite action within the CyanTrigger interface to add an item. The Favorites list contains more than simply favorite items. It also contains folders for organizing these items.

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