This content is relevant to Computer Science Club.
A group that gets together to discuss and present about computer science topics. This is a fairly wide swath of ideas, historically ranging from functional implementation of a regular expression evaluator, comparing and contrasting FFTs in several language styles (OO vs functional), gradient descent backpropagation in OCaml (you may note a bit of a thing for function at this point), numerical optimizations for OCaml to avoid the heap issues for fast list multiplication (hmmm, that functional theme again), and even things related to robotic and self-driving cars, like Kalman filters.
What makes it different from other groups is being language agnostic and more focused on how to solve problems abstractly. There is generally also more rigor. Not the kind you would get in a detailed class about a topic, but the kind you would expect from a one hour lecture having to do with getting someone to understand the wide scope of the topic, often including history, theory and an implementation example. So no, this isn't a programming language group focused on implementing some particularly sexy new whatever in some hot at the moment language.
Well, all graphic content is copyright Colin Shaw. I don't mind if you use it for in-kind purposes, as I would like to see more local organizations attempting to educate people about computer science and programming in general. If you do end up cloning the repo, using some of the content or ideas, drop me a line so I can link to your site!