CDK (Chris Development Kit) is a useful set of tools to speedup development of core Unity games mechanics.
It's being used in my main current game project "Resultarias", a surrealist game about dream exploration. Check more information about my other projects on my website!
- Host the latest version of the CDK.
- Track issues.
[Recommended] Install from UPM using the git URL
Import this as a submodule inside
folder OR download this and put insideAssets/CDK/
- Newtonsoft-Json, include NEWTONSOFT_JSON_FOR_UNITY on define symbols.
- Unity Converters for Newtonsoft.Json to fix some Unity Json Serialization issues.
- FMOD (for audio processing), include FMOD on define symbols.
- Fell free to open a pull request for fixes or new versions.
- I'm an Unity games and application developer. You can find more info about me and my projects here.
- Jetbrains and their wonderful tools.