Example project to show how to generate and use different profiles for local, development and production environment by running a gradle task and making use of application configuration.
- Koltin 1.2.51
- Gradle 4.8
- Java 8
There are totally 3 environments: local, dev, prod.
- Local
$ gradle profileSetup -Penvironment=local build -x test
- Development
$ gradle profileSetup -Penvironment=prod build -x test
- Production
$ gradle profileSetup -Penvironment=dev build -x test
Navigate to the cloned project directory, i.e, gradle-profile
Build the project by selecting appropriate gradle profile by using one of the above mentioned command.
This creates/updates the application.properties file in src folder and generates the build based on the profile mentioned.
Run the application by clicking run command or by running the jar created.
Run Command
java -jar /build/libs/gradle-profile-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Now hit the base URL with port 9090. We can see a welcome message along with environment(profile) name on which the server is running.
Chandrika Rao C