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Caltinor edited this page May 20, 2024 · 52 revisions

Welcome to the Project-MMO-2.0 wiki!

New Wikis

The wiki is undergoing a makeover to provide version-specific information. The links below will take you to the new wikis for that version. Keep in mind that these are works in progress and if a section does not exist, use the links from lower on this page.



PMMO Features 1.18 - 1.19



Other Useful Information


  1. (1/14/2022) Basic Experience and Configuration
  2. (1/23/2022) BreakSpeed and Initial Perks Implementation
  3. (2/04/2022) Datapack Migration
  4. (2/11/2022) Backend Reinforcing
  5. (2/13/2022) Damage Events
  6. (2/19/2022) EntityInteract and Jump Events plus Perk Sidedness
  7. (2/27/2022) Commands, More Events, Config Overhauls, and Tweaks
  8. (3/25/2022) Loot, MOAR Events!, and Tweaks
  9. (4/03/2022) Last Events, Mob Scaling, Salvaging, Parties, and penalties and bonuses
  10. (4/15/2022) Vein-Mining, PistonHandler, and Bugfixing
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