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2.4 Project Resources

amplifi edited this page Jun 29, 2017 · 1 revision

Resources are documentation that are uploaded to Cadasta and associated to entities.

Detailed Description

A resource can be associated to a Project, Location, Relationship, or Party. A single resource can be associated to multiple entities. The resource types that can be uploaded to the Cadasta platform are configurable. They are typical items such as movies, documents (pdf, jpg, png), and audio files.

User Stories

  • User is on location details page. User clicks "Add Resource"

  • User goes through "Resource Upload Process"

  • User is in project details page. User clicks "Add Resource"

  • User goes through "Resource Upload Process"

  1. User is in resource index page
  2. User searches for resource
  3. User goes to resource details page
  4. User clicks "edit"
  5. User reuploaded resource file
  6. Original resource file is archived and replaced
  7. User is returned to view resource details page

Resource upload Process

  1. User clicks "Browse" to select file or drags file to Resource dialogue
  2. By default the resource name is the filename but the user can change the resource name
  3. User enters description (option)
  4. User clicks save
  5. File is uploaded to S3 and association is saved to the entity that the user clicked upload from
  6. User is returned to entity details page



The resources index will be accessible from the Project's navigation tab. Individual resources will be accessible from the entity that they are associated to (a resource can be associated to multiple entities).


  • Data Collectors, Project Managers, and Org Admins will have the ability to manage resources (add/edit/delete).
  • Public Project, Location, Relationship, and Party resources will be able to be downloaded by all users.

Resource Index

The resource index shows all resources associated with a Project. The common filtering/search/sort tools are available on the index. The name, type, date uploaded and number of entities associated should be displayed as fields.

Add Resource

Add resource button is available from Locations, Relationships, Parties and Projects screens. The resource is automatically associated with the entity from the page where the "add resource" button was selected. Users should be able to either browser to a file after clicking "browser" on the web page or drag a file to the resource dialogue and automatically have it be uploaded. The file name should be the default title for the resource file, but this can be edited.

After being uploaded some resources have additional processing performed. Thumb nails are created for image files.

(Are there other types of files we would process other than images?)

Edit Resource

To edit a resource the user clicks edit from either the resource index or from the entity the resource is associated. In the edit dialogue the user can edit information about the resource including uploaded a newer file to replace the previous one. The original resource should not be deleted but kept for historical purposes.

Resource Details and Preview

Upon clicking on the resource the user goes to a resource details page. If the file type upload has a preview available it is displayed in the detail. Examples of previews:

  • Thumbnail of image
  • Audio player to play audio file
  • Video player to play video file

If a user wishes to download the resource they click the download button.

Remove Associations

From the Project, Locations, Parties or Relationships page a user should be able to remove the association with a resource.


Users can archive a resource which removes its association from any Projects, Locations, Parties and Relationships as well as it will not show up in the resource search.

User Flow & Wireframes

Design Documents


Within a project, internal navigation on the left will include:

  • Overview (2.1)
  • Map (2.2)
  • Resources (selected) (2.4)
  • Reports (Phase 2) (2.5)
  • Activity (2.6)

2.4 Resource Index

The resource index will include a 120 X 68 thumbnail preview or default icon, resource title, file name, file size, description, file type, associations, contributor, and date of last update. Keyword search, column sort, and filtering will be available. Bulk actions will be available for downloading files.

Thumbnail preview

A small thumbnail preview for images should display at 120 X 68 (16:9). A small icon placeholder should show for audio or other file types where a preview thumbnail is not available.

2.4.1 Add new resource

When adding a new resource, the user is presented with two options:

  • Add a file from the resource library
  • Upload a new file

Tab to add a file from the resource library

The initial tab is for selecting resources that have already been uploaded to the library. The library index includes a 60 X 60 thumbnail preview or default icon, resource title, file name, file size, description, file type, associations, contributor, and date of last update. Keyword search, column sort, and filtering will be available. Checkboxes are available to select multiple files at once.

Tab to upload a new file

This page includes a large area for the user to drop files or to browse and select the files to upload. As files are uploaded, they are added to the table below with the file name and progress bar displayed. Once successfully uploaded, a thumbnail preview, file size, text field for inputting resource title, and a delete link are displayed in the table.

By default the file name is used as the resource title. A user may update this field to better indicate the contents of the file. Additional privacy toggle and description fields are available through the edit resource page. The delete link directs the user to 2.4.5.

As resources are selected, a counter is displayed immediately above the Save button. This represents files selected in both tab areas. The add button returns users to the resource index with the newly added resources listed.

2.4.2 Edit Resource

Preview of resource with details such as file name, file size, contributor and date added. Action link of upload new resource replaced preview with area to upload new file. During upload a progress bar shows. Once successfully uploaded, the original page layout returns with the new resource file and updated details. The remove and delete permanently links work the same as on 2.4.3.

Field inputs for resource title, privacy toggle, and description are displayed. The update button returns user to the resource index with the updated resource displayed.

2.4.3 Resource Detail Modal

Selection of a row in the resources index opens a modal window with details about the selected resource. Included are a larger preview (220 X 124) that is playable if possible. Also included is a large download button.

Action links are viewable based on role permissions. The edit link directs users 2.4.2 Edit Resource. The remove link directs user to the 2.4.4 confirmation modal. The delete permanently link directs users to the 2.4.5 confirmation modal.

2.4.4 Remove Resource Confirmation Modal

Confirms removing association between entity and resource. Returns user to resource index with removed resource not displayed.

2.4.5 Delete Resource Confirmation Modal

Deletes (archives) resource from searchable library and removes associations. Returns user to resource index with deleted resource not displayed.

Ancillary Information

  • Default max file size should be 50mb
  • There should be a way to configure allowed filetypes. Default should be pdf, mp3, mp4, doc, docx, jpg, png
  • Resources can be replaced and the original should be saved
  • Version one no parsing of the EXIF file or other information
  • Upload should go to S3
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