This dataset is curated for the Natural Language (NL) Based Vehicle Retrieval Challenge Track of the 2021 AI City Workshop.
is a Python script that is used to extract frames
from videos provided in Challenge Track 3 (MTMC). Please use this script to
extract frames, so that the path configurations in JSON files are consistent.
is a dictionary of all 2,498 vehicle tracks in the
training split. Each vehicle track is annotated with three natural language
descriptions of the target and is assigned a universally unique identifier
(UUID). The file is structured as
"track-uuid-1": {
"frames": ["file-1.jpg", ..., "file-n.jpg"],
"boxes": [[742, 313, 171, 129], ..., [709, 304, 168, 125]],
"nl": [
"A gray pick-up truck goes ...",
"A dark pick-up runs ...",
"Pick-up truck that goes ..."
"track-uuid-2": ...
The files under the frames
attribute are paths in the CityFlow Benchmark [2]
used in Challenge Track 2 of the 2021 AI City Challenge.
contains 530 tracks of target vehicles. The structure of
this file is identical to the training split, except that the natural language
descriptions are removed.
contains 530 queries. Each consists of three natural
language descriptions of the vehicle target annotated by different annotators.
Each query is assigned a UUID that is later used in results submission. The
structure of this file is as follows:
"query-uuid-1": [
"A dark red SUV drives straight through an intersection.",
"A red MPV crosses an empty intersection.",
"A red SUV going straight down the street."
"query-uuid-2": ...
The baseline/
directory contains a baseline model that measures the similarity
between language descriptions and frame crops in a track. Details of this model
can be found in [1].
Teams should retrieve and rank the provided vehicle tracks for each of the queries. A baseline retrieval model is provided as a demo for a start point for participating teams.
For each query, teams should submit a list of the testing tracks ranked by their retrieval model. One JSON file should be submitted containing a dictionary in the following format:
"query-uuid-1": ["track-uuid-i", ..., "track-uuid-j"],
"query-uuid-2": ["track-uuid-m", ..., "track-uuid-n"],
A sample JSON file of submission for the baseline model is available in
The Vehicle Retrieval by NL Descriptions task is evaluated using standard metrics for retrieval tasks. We use the Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) [3] as the main evaluation metric. Recall @ 5, Recall @ 10, and Recall @ 25 are also evaluated for all submissions.
The provided baseline model’s MRR is 0.0269, Recall @ 5 is 0.0264, Recall @ 10 is 0.0491, Recall @ 25 is 0.1113.
Please cite this work:
[1] Feng, Qi, et al. "CityFlow-NL: Tracking and Retrieval of Vehicles at City Scale by Natural Language Descriptions." arXiv preprint. arXiv:2101.04741.
[2] Tang, Zheng, et al. "CityFlow: A city-scale benchmark for multi-target multi-camera vehicle tracking and re-identification." CVPR. 2019.
[3] Voorhees, Ellen M. "The TREC-8 question answering track report." Trec. Vol. 99. 1999.