An Android and iOS Openpay sdk wrapper for React Native.
Right now it only suports creating card tokens and getting the device session id as i have no need to
create a card, any PR is welcome to extend the funtionality of this library or maybe fix an issue 🎉.
yarn add react-native-openpay
- if your version of
is below v0.60, also do the following:
then link the library to Android/iOS native projects:
react-native link react-native-openpay
before doing anything, setup your instance with your credentials:
import openpay from "react-native-openpay";
openpay.setup("MERCHANT_ID", "API_KEY");
// you can pas an extra third parameter to tell the sdk that the app is in production
openpay.setup("MERCHANT_ID", "API_KEY", true);
create a card token, this function takes an object with the card info and returns a promise, the result is the token
id string (it does not yet support sending an address):
holder_name: "John Doe",
card_number: "4111111111111111",
expiration_month: "02",
expiration_year: "20",
cvv2: "110",
.then((token) => console.log(token));
get the device session id, returns a promise, the result is the session id string:
openpay.getDeviceSessionId().then((sessionId) => console.log(sessionId));