Image processing chain based on OTB to create monthly syntheses of cloud-free reflectances for Sentinel-2 or Venus Level-2A products distributed by the Theia Land data centre.
The processing chain creates a synthesis image from multiple Level-2A tiles produced with MAJA. MAJA Level 2A products can be obtained:
- From Theia, the French Land data centre, for several countries or regions
- From PEPS, as an on-demand processing, anywhere on the world
- Using MAJA on user side
- within the Sen2Agri project
The weigted average synthesis method to combine the inputs into one single synthesis is described here. Once synthesized, a Level-3 product is generated further described in the format description.
Theia also produces Level 3A products with WASP over France, and soon over all the zones already processed by Theia.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. MAJA is available as pre-compiled binary, or as a source code that you will have to compile.
WASP binaries are available for Linux distributions under the following link
To install it, first make sure you have GLU installed:
For CentOS
yum install mesa-libGLU-devel
For Ubuntu
apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev
Then extract and execute the downloaded executable:
./ --target /path/to/install
The program has the following dependencies:
- OTB 6.2 (
- Python 2.7 or >3.5 (
- CMake >3.7.2 (
- GCC >6.3.0 ( or any other C/C++ compiler for your system
In order to install the software, first install CMake, the c/c++ compiler and the python interpreter (optional). Then follow the tutorial on how to install OTB via the Superbuild to the desired location:
Note: You do not need to activate/deactivate any modules. The default configuration works out of the box.*
mkdir build && install
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/OTB
Eventually you have to specify the location to your compiler by setting CMAKE_C_COMPILER
Then, run
make && make install
In order to run the processing chain, the script WASP located in the bin/ folder after installation has to be called. For an explanation on which inputs the program takes, simply execute
./bin/WASP --help
First, you need to download and unzip the Level-2 products of your choice. Have a look at the theia_download tool if you don't know how to do this. The following command line creates a composite centered around the 2018/05/02 out of 9 Level-2A products from a 46-day period:
./bin/WASP \
--input ./SENTINEL2A_20180525-103024-462_L2A_T32ULV_D_V1-
7/SENTINEL2A_20180525-103024-462_L2A_T32ULV_D_V1-7_MTD_ALL.xml \
461_L2A_T32ULV_D_V1-7_MTD_ALL.xml \
460_L2A_T32ULV_D_V1-7_MTD_ALL.xml \
459_L2A_T32ULV_D_V1-7_MTD_ALL.xml \
791_L2A_T32ULV_D_V1-7_MTD_ALL.xml \
548_L2A_T32ULV_D_V1-7_MTD_ALL.xml \
810_L2A_T32ULV_D_V1-7_MTD_ALL.xml \
083_L2A_T32ULV_D_V1-7_MTD_ALL.xml \
678_L2A_T32ULV_D_V1-7_MTD_ALL.xml \
--out . \
--date 20180502 \
--synthalf 23 \
Once the processing finishes, the following line should be displayed:
================= WASP synthesis of 9 inputs finished in xxxx.xx s =================
The resulting product can be then found under
Click here for the format description.
- OTB - The Orfeo toolbox
WASP method was initially developped at CESBIO by O.Hagolle for the VENµS satellite.
WASP processor comes from the initial work performed within the Sen2Agri project, by the following consortium :
- Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
- CS Romania
- CS France
- Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère (CESBIO)
Within Sen2Agri, WASP processor was mainly developped at CS-Romania by : Cosmin Udroiu, Alex Grosu, Laurentiu Nicola, Lucian Barbulescu and Anca Trasca
WASP was then adapted to CNES context by Peter Kettig from
- Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
This project is licensed under the GPLv3+ License - see the file for details