In this first lab assignment, we setup our programming environment, modify given code, and practice submitting to autograder system.
We will set up programming environment our our own computer, by following Setup Tutorial.
The Commannd Line Tools are required.
The C++ Dev Environment (VSCode) is highly recommened.
Please follow these tutorials closely and carefully.
Alternatively, either:
- Follow the VSCode Devcontainer Setup Guide and run using Docker locally
- Launch this repo in a GitHub Codespace, and copy your file into the auto grader...
A code skeleton is given for this lab. From your terminal (mac or WSL/Ubunto) window, you can use the following command to download it:
git clone
You are asked to finish the following (i.e., the three Todo's in the IntArray.cpp), test and run the program:
- Implement the IntArray class's constructor
- Implement the destructor
- Implement the reverse member function
Submit your program at the following link by Sep 18, 2024, midnight (11:59pm)