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Prefix | Commands | Infomation |
@ | @Hydra Economy | Bot infomation. |
h | balance | Displays a user's balance. |
h | beg | Allows users beg people for coins. |
h | blackjack | Allows users to gamble their coins playing blackjack. |
h | buy | Allows users to buy items from the shop. |
h | cat | Posts a photo of a cat in that chat and you gain coins. |
h | claimvote | Vote for this bot on and get 10k coins free! |
h | credits | Displays all developers. |
h | crime | Allows users to commit a crime to try to gain some coins. |
h | daily | Allows the users every 24 hours to claim a reward. |
h | deposit | Allows users to deposit some of their coins into their bank. |
h | dice | Allows users to make a bet and try to win more back. |
h | dog | Posts a photo of a dog in that chat and you gain coins. |
h | fish | Use the item fishingrod to catch items and sell for coins. |
h | freecoins | Vote for this bot on and get 10k coins free! |
h | gamble | Allows users to make a bet and try to win more back. |
h | gift | Allows users to send items to other users. |
h | give | Allows users to send coins to other users. |
h | help | Displays all the commands that are available. |
h | hunt | Use the item rifle to hunt for animals and sell for coins. |
h | inventory | Displays all the items that are in a users inventory |
h | invite | Send the invite for the bot. |
h | meme | Posts a meme in that chat and you gain coins. |
h | mine | Use the item pickaxe to mine items and sell for coins. |
h | passive | Allows a user to toggle into passive mode to prevent them from being robbed. |
h | ping | Allows users to check the ping of the bot. |
h | profile | Allows users to view their profile on the bot. |
h | premium | Monthly sub to remove all command cooldowns. |
h | rich | Displays who has the most coins in a server. |
h | globalrich | Displays who has the most coins in the while world. |
h | rob | Allows users to rob each other. |
h | roulette | Allows users to make a bet and try to win more back. |
h | search | Allows users to search for free coins. |
h | sell | Allows users to sell items that they have received or have bought from the shop. |
h | stats | Allows users to see the bots stats. |
h | shop | Displays all the items that are available to be bought. |
h | support | Displays the support server link. |
h | slots | Allows users to make a bet and try to win more back. |
h | uptime | Displays the amount of time the bot has been online. |
h | use | Allows users to use some items to gain rewards that they are able to sell for coins. |
h | vote | Allows users to vote for the bot. |
h | withdraw | Allows users to withdraw coins from their bank. |
h | work | Allows users to work for coins. |
welcome to hydra a discord economy bot discord.js discord economy discord bot Commands Infomation balance Displays a users balance. beg Allows users beg people for coins. blackjack Allows users to gamble there coins playing blackjack. buy Allows users to buy items from the shop. cat Posts a photo of a cat in that chat and you gain coins. credits Displays all developers. crime Allows users to comit a crime to try gain some coins. daily Allows the users every 24 hours to claim a reward. deposit Allows users to deposit some of there coins into there bank. dice Allows users to make a bet and try win more back. dog Posts a photo of a dog in that chat and you gain coins. gamble Allows users to make a bet and try win more back. gift Allows users to send items to other users. give Allows users to send coins to other users. help Displays all the commands that are available. inventory Displays all the items that are in a users inventory invite Sends the invite for the bot. meme Posts a meme in that chat and you gain coins. mine Allows users to mine for gems. passive Allows a user to toggle into passive mode to prevent them from been robbed. ping Allows users to check the ping of the bot. profile Allows users to view there profile on the bot. rich Displays whos has the most coins in a server. rob Allows users to rob each other. roulette Allows users to make a bet and try win more back. search Allows users to search for free coins. sell Allows users to sell items that they have recived or have bought from the shop. stats Allows users to see the bots stats. shop Displays all the items that are available to be bought. support Displays the support server link. slots Allows users to make a bet and try win more back. uptime Displays the amount of time the bot has been online. use Allows users to use some items to gain rewards that they are able to sell for coins. vote Allows users to vote for the bot. withdraw Allows users to withdraw coins from there bank. work Allows users to work for coins. Hydra+ prefix is (h) such as (h help)
The bot is very easy to navigate and work with very simple prefix and command names