Simple and easy to use command and event handler with useful features.
! The command handler used in this repository is based on the official discord.js command handler
! Make sure that you have Node.js and NPM installed and up to to date on your system
! If you'r hosting the bot on your loca machine create a new file in the root of the directory of the project called .env
and write in it TOKEN=your_token_goes_here
if not, add the token to your bot environtment variables with the name of TOKEN
! Set your prefix in utils/config.json
! Run npm install
in your terminal
! If it's not your first time running this bot, run npm run start
in your terminal
! Use npm run LocalStart
in your terminal if you'r running the bot on a local machine to make use of the .env file
1 Create a new .js file in the commands folder with the name of your command.
2 Populate the file with the code reprezented here:
module.exports = {
name: "commanad name",
description: "description of your command",
aliases: ["aleas1", "alias2"],
usage: "[argument1] [argument2]",
guildOnly: false, //true if only used in server
args: false, //true if the command cant run without arguments
permissions: {
bot: [], //permissions that the bot requires for the command
user: [], //permissions that the user requires for the command
execute: async (message, args, client) => {
//code for the command goes here
3 start your bot and see if it works!