This tool was created in order to support me with collecting all kinds of audio files from past demoparties. The manual process (using the excellent website) was tedious and error-prone.
If you decide to use this tool, please do so responsibly: at the moment it probably creates a lot of load on both the Demozoo server and on the server in the Netherlands.
- Uses Demozoo’s Party List API to collect all demoparties and their year.
- Uses Demozoo’s Party API to collect the compos and entries for all selected demoparties. (This selection is hard-coded.)
- Uses Demozoo’s Production API to get download and YouTube links for all “music” and “production” entries. (Actually, for everything but “graphics” entries.)
- For an entry, check if there is already something on the disk matching the destination name pattern. If there is, proceed to next entry.
- Downloads whatever has been linked.
- If it’s an archive (.zip, .7z, .lha, .rar, .tar, .tar.gz) it unpacks it.
- If it’s a video file, the audio track is extracted.
- If it’s a MOD file or other kind of audio file, keep it.
- If it’s a SID file (.sid, .psid), keep it.
- Anything else is deleted.
- If nothing is left and there is a YouTube link, the audio track is downloaded from YouTube.
- Anything that is still there is stored in a directory named
Steps 6–10 are done recursively, i.e. if an MP3 file is hidden in a .zip inside a .tar.gz it will nontheless be found. If multiple files can be extracted for an entry they are automatically numbered with the common “(2)” appendix.
- It does not convert audio types at the moment. WAV files (and others) are left as the “final” product.
- It does not show progress in a very nice way.
- It does not memorize entries for which it could not extract any data; if there is not yet anything on the disc for that entry, the entry will be downloaded again even if repeating the extraction process will not produce any new results.
- It does not offer any user interface; if you do not want to download every entry from every demoparty there ever was you have to modify the code.
- You have no possibility to change the pattern of the generated files and directories—unless you modify the code.
- It expects a lot of binaries in hardcoded locations. No way to change that—unless you modify the code.