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GUI: Chipset

Dimitris Panokostas edited this page Jan 10, 2025 · 5 revisions

The Chipset panel, as it appears in v5.x


The Chipset panel, as it appears in v7.x


The Chipset panel of Amiberry's GUI, allows you to control the various options of the emulated custom chipset. This panel is different between versions 5.x and 6.x of Amiberry, since the newer versions support more features.

  • OCS/ECS/AGA: These options control which chipset is emulated. The A500 used the OCS chipset, while the A1200 used AGA, for example.

  • Cycle Exact: These options allow you to enable Cycle Exact mode for the Chipset. This will increase compatibility, but also requires significantly more resources to emulate, so it's not enabled by default. For Amiberry version 5.x, it's only available for A500 emulation. This is different in the newer v6.x versions, where the option is enabled by default, when selecting a standard A500/A1200 configuration.

  • Chipset Extra: Depending on the model emulated, this will automatically enable any additional settings of the relevant chipset.

  • Multithreaded Drawing: This option is unique in Amiberry, and if enabled it will increase the performance of drawing on the screen significantly. There are some situations where it might cause some visible tearing (e.g. in some demos), so you can disable it for those cases if you wish. It's enabled by default, and cannot be changed on-the-fly (while the emulation is already running).

  • Collision Level options: these allow you to select what kind of collision detection should be applied. Usually the default option of Sprites and Sprites vs Playfield is enough for most cases, but you can tweak it according to your needs if you want.

For v5.x only

  • Blitter options: These control the blitter behavior. Wait for blitter is the default and most compatible option, Immediate will skip wait states and will perform faster writes, but is not compatible with every scenario.

  • Fast copper: This option allows you to enable a hack, to increase the performance of the Copper. Please note that this is not compatible with everything, it's useful especially for slower computers that struggle otherwise but can and will cause issues as well.

For v6.x only

  • Keyboard connected: This option controls if a keyboard should be reported as connected, inside the emulated system. You would usually want this enabled, which is the default value.

  • Subpixel Display emulation: This will enable subpixel emulation for the display, which in some rare scenarios might give a better result during animation/scrolling. However, it will increase the resource usage, so don't enable it unless you really need it.

  • Immediate Blitter: Faster but less compatible Blitter emulation. Cannot be enabled if Wait for Blitter is selected.

  • Wait for Blitter: Compatibility hack for programs that don't wait for the Blitter correctly, causing graphics corruption if CPU is too fast.

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