Machine learning tools for waveform analysis.
Recommended to use conda installation manager.
First, install prerequisites:
conda install numpy scipy matplotlib gitpython yaml hdf5 h5py numba pytz
Then install pytorch version 1.6 or higher, see
On linux with GPU support, cuda version 10.2, this command is
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
With no GPU support, the command is
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cpuonly -c pytorch
Then, install pytorch-lightning and optuna
conda install -c conda-forge optuna
Pytorch lightning requires version 1.0 or higher:
conda install pytorch-lightning -c conda-forge
To run the sparse convolutional network code, install spconv or SparseConvNet
install boost:
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
make sure cmake >= 3.13.2 is installed then install spconv:
git clone --recursive
cd spconv
python bdist_wheel
cd ./dist
pip install <name of .whl file>
follow instructions here:
Using pip (example is for linux, see pytorch install guide for your system)
pip install numpy
pip install h5py
pip install gitpython
pip install torch==1.9.0+cpu torchvision==0.10.0+cpu torchaudio==0.9.0 -f
pip install optuna
pip install pytorch-lightning
python <name of config.json file>
output is logged in
{model folder}/runs/<experiment name>/version_<n>
where {model folder} defaults to
./model/<model name>
and <n>
is the run number of the experiment starting from 0
Set dataset_config.paths to the directories you would like to retrieve hdf5 data from. Set the number of events to draw from this directory with n_train, n_validate, and n_test.
Metadata of events selected will be logged to
{model folder}/datasets/<dataset name>_<dataset type>_config.json
Where <dataset name>
is constructed from the directory names or can be specified via
. The <dataset type>
is one of train
, val
, or test
Constructed datasets will be saved on disk to
./data/<model_name>/<dataset name>.json
To set the training, test, or validation data sets to use a specific metadata file, use
, .test_config
, and .val_config
- point these to
the json metadata file.
Requirements for the config file are shown in config_requirements.json. This can be used as a template. A full example config file is found in config/examples
--overfit_batches 0.001 // overfits on a small percentage of the data. Useful for debugging a network
--profiler true // profiles the program, showing time spent in each section. output written in log dir found in <model folder>/runs/<experiment name>/version_<n> where n is the (n-1)th run of the experiment
--limit_test_batches n // if int, limits number of batches used for testing to n batches. If float < 1, uses that fraction of the test batches.
--limit_val_batches n
--limit_train_batches n
--log_gpu_memory all | min_max // logs the gpu usage, set to min_max for only max and min usage logging
--terminate_on_nan true // terminates when nan loss is returned
--auto_lr_find true // starts the training session with a learning rate finder algorithm, prints results / saves to log folder
--row_log_interval n // records tensorboard logs every n batches (default 1)
--log_save_interval n // only writes out tensorboard logs every n batches
see for a complete list of arguments
For performance tweaking on a GPU, set
then slowly increase the num_workers (under dataset_config/dataloader_params) until you find optimal performance.
Once optimal data loading performance is found, then tune your learning rate. You can set --auto_lr_find=true to find an optimal learning rate for your learning scheduler.
Once a good learning rate is chosen, set up a hyperparameter optimization config and set
-oc <name of config file or path to config file>.
The search path for the optimize config is the same for model config files. Alternatively, you can add an optuna_config section in the config file.
Results are in
./studies/<experiment name>
Each trial's logs and model checkpoints are saved to the
./studies/<experiment name>/trial_<n>
You can prune unpromising trials by adding the -p
flag to the command.
You can choose your pruner by setting the pruner
value in your optuna config file to
one of the pruners listed here:
You can pass parameters to the pruner with the pruner_params
config options.
You can choose your sampler by setting the sampler
value in your optuna config file to
one of the samplers listed here:
You can pass parameters to the pruner with the pruner_params
config options.
The default sampler is TPESampler
and the default pruner is MedianPruner
In the console, run the command tensorboard --logdir <log path>
This will serve the log data to http://localhost:6006
Create your own modules by extending the LitPSD class. See for more information.