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Annotation Files

saracarsanaro edited this page Jul 16, 2024 · 7 revisions

This is where we will explain the content of the annotation files, describe each column, if it's mandatory or not, etc.

bulk RNA-seq

Experiment file

Column Name Description Limitations Required?
#experimentId ID associated with the experiment ? Y
experimentName name of experiment in data repository ? Y
experimentDescription description of experiment in data repository ? Y
experimentSource source data repository SRA (for SRP, ERP and DRP IDs), GEO, ArrayExpress Y
experimentStatus annotation status of experiment total, partial ?
projectTags ?? ? N
numberOfAnnotatedLibraries number of libraries that were annotated ? ?
protocol library prep protocol ? ?
protocolType library prep method full-length, 3' ?
GSE id associated with GEO entry GSE followed by numbers When Available
Bioproject id associated with bioproject PRJNA/PRJEB/PRJDB followed by numbers When Available
PMID id associated with paper that produced the data given by pubmed 8 digits When Available
reference_url link to the paper that produced the data hyperlink When Available
DOI the doi associated with the paper that produced the data format is 10.nums/numsorletters When Available
xrefs other IDs associated with experiment SRA (for SRP, ERP and DRP IDs), GEO, ArrayExpress, PMID, URL When Available
comment extra info input at annotator discretion none N

Library file


Experiment file

Column Name Description Limitations Required?
#experimentId ID associated with the experiment ? Y
experimentName name of experiment in data repository ? Y
experimentDescription description of experiment in data repository ? Y
experimentSource source data repository SRA, ENA, DDBJ, GEO, ArrayExpress Y
experimentStatus annotation status of experiment total, partial ?
RNAseqTags ?? scRNA-seq, sn-scRNA-seq Y
numberOfAnnotatedLibraries number of libraries that were annotated ? ?
protocol library prep protocol ? ?
protocolType library prep method full-length, 3'end, 5'end ?
GSE id associated with GEO entry GSE followed by numbers When Available
Bioproject id associated with bioproject PRJNA/PRJEB/PRJDB followed by numbers When Available
PMID id associated with paper that produced the data given by pubmed 8 digits When Available
reference_url link to the paper that produced the data hyperlink When Available
DOI the doi associated with the paper that produced the data format is 10.nums/numsorletters When Available
xrefs other IDs associated with experiment SRA, ENA, DDBJ, GEO, ArrayExpress, PMID, URL When Available
comment extra info input at annotator discretion none N

Library file

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