Hi 👋,I'm Benaiah.
I'm a chef who cooks but not in the kitchen, I solve problems for a living using 1s and 0s. I'm a self-taught full stack engineer with experience in Backend, Frontend, and DevOps for over 5 years.
I've taken part in various international competitions and have been recognized multiple times. I was even certified as one of the top 300 participants (2x) globally in an internship program with over 11,000 participants. To date, I've engaged in 23+ hackathons (mostly international and few locally), winning 15 of them and counting.
- 🌍 I'm based in nigeria.
- ✉️ You can contact me at alumonabenaiah71@gmail.com
- 🚀 I'm currently working on A tool to solve my day to day problems
- 🧠 I'm learning Software Design Patterns, Prisma , Golang, Typescript, DSA
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on Full Fledge Project / Full Stack Application / Startup / Backend.
- ⚡ Ask me about Typescript, React, Nodejs, React Native, Golang.