- Convert text into an image in a frame
- Do a sequence of all texts and images in chronological order
- Display each video frame for 3 seconds
Need to install tweepy and acquire Twitter API key
pip install tweepy
Need to install ffmpeg
pip install ffmpeg
You will also need to provide your own API tokens and secrets by creating a file named 'keys'. The content of keys should look like:
consumer_key = ****
consumer_secret = ****
access_token = ****
access_secret = ****
To run the code, type in command line
python main.py
Then, provide 4 Twitter user IDs.
For each Twitter user that is entered, 3 tweets from there timeline will be fetched and converted into an image. All 4 images that have been collected will be made into a output.avi file, which is a video displaying every image for 3 seconds.
What will be out put to the command line window shoud look like the image below.
I have a dual-core processor with 2.9GHz. For each core, 4 threads can be run. Here is a graph generate by python code for process Vs. thread
- How many API calls you can handle simultaneously and why?
- 4 API calls are handled simultaneously. It is a reasonable number that is easy to read and test. For my and most computers, it is an acceptable thread number to process.
- Split API calls at the same time?
- Yes. Inputs for API calls are collected at once and queued and the queue can be called at the same time.
- Split the processing of an API into multiple threads?
- For an individual API call, there is no part of it is splitted.