In this part I tried to use covid api and display its data on the map.
I managed to build the hole project on my Android phone so it could be more portable compared to simulator. Here's the start scene of my app.
This app allows its user to drag the mark around and shows the detail information of covid19 of the country where the mark stopped. Besides, it provides a search bar for searching specific country.
Notice: I took this screen shot today and found all the New Confirmed & New Deaths & New Recovered
in the
was set to zero. Not sure what happened but all the total parts were still correct and up to date.
I used to implement this project on and it worked. While today it kept failing because it could not recognize axio
package. Still, not sure about what happened. Therefore, I strongly recommaned you to fully download the project and run it on your android services.
First, download the whole project and browse into the folder you store it.
Second, simply type npm start
in terminal.
Second, use EXPO app on your android device to scan the QR code showed in your terminal and you will see everything runs on your phone!
Enjoy the app!