An interactive map for the baltimore green pattern book.
Hosted by BNIA-JFI.
- A boundary is a geometric object overlay, e.g. neighborhoods.
- A layer is a set of points.
- Leaflet is all in WGS84, so I had to convert all boundaries
to WGS84
- NAD83_Maryland SRID is EPSG:2248
- WGS84 is EPSG:4326
Before trying to install make sure that you satisfy the requirements.
You can follow the guide here.
- As of now this is only tested (and made for) Ubuntu 14.04
I detail the step-by-step process of getting this installed and running.
First, cd into the directory you want to install this in, then
git clone
You need to edit the config.json file to match your own configuration.
- host. Probably or localhost.
- user. Default would be postgres, whichever has acces to your db.
- port. Default is 5432. May be different on different setups.
- database. The database you want everything added to. I recommend a clean database.
- password. Your postgres user's password stored in plain text. Need to work on this.
- filler
- Neighborhood Statistical Areas 2010 boundaries taken from Open Baltimore
- Community Statistical Areas 2010 boundaries taken from Open Baltimore
- Subwatershed boundaries taken from Open Data Portal