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Avery Regier edited this page Oct 18, 2015 · 10 revisions

There are a few things you should be aware of when using the Club-Tracker:

Current limitations that will eventually be lifted:

  • Club Leaders can lead only one club, or all the clubs for program.
  • Listeners can only listen for one club.
  • Registration fields are not yet customizable via the user interface.
  • Club Leaders can't sign sections unless they are also listeners for that club.
  • Notes can only be written on a section when signing the section, not when a clubber may be having trouble, and it isn't signed, which would be more useful.
  • Promoting clubbers to a new club is not well supported yet.
  • The navigation sometimes relies on the browser's 'back' button.
  • No home phone number field
  • Cubbies and Puggles don't track sections yet.

How To's:

  • To register a new Club worker (listener or leader), you should go to the club page, click 'Add Worker', register them, make them a leader or listener for the club, then after that it will ask you to send the invitation, hit submit, then send the invite via your own email program.
  • To get a clubber's records up to date with where they are, go to their records, and click 'Catch-up', select the listener and an appropriate date, and it will sign all the sections for that award. It will not go into the past before that award and sign those sections. The quickest way to catch up a clubber across multiple years is to 'Catch-up' the book award for each completed book, then Catch-up the discoveries for each completed discovery of the incomplete book. Catch-up awards won't show up in the Commander's Awards report for the next week, preventing any confusion about what needs awarded.
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