Script to asynchronously (without needing to run the rosbag) merge left, front, and right point clouds for MIT-PITT-AutoIndy. Major advantage is one does not need to run the rosbag for it to work. In combination with it being a completely command-line solution (unlike rviz2), should allow us to take advantage of our servers' computation power.
Takes in rosbags, outputs merged .bin and .pcd files.
Clone repo
source /opt/ros2/galactic/setup.bash
source ~/dev/joint-bvs-ws/joint-bvs-ws/install/
cd path_to_this_Reop
Create five folders : split_bins, split_pcds, merged_bins, merged_pcds, text_results
python3 --source ./path_to_ros_file.db3
Note: if you would like to make more than 1000 merged pointclouds, increase the binLimit variable
cd Merger
cmake .
move the pcd_merge executable to the main repo folder
Your merged pcd files will be in merged_pcds, and the corresponding merged bin representations will be in merged_bins