The web app is deployed at
This web app was used by 70+ judges concurrently to judge over 750 participants across 36 events, with each it’s unique criteria to grade!
Firebase powered app to view, analyze registrations and judge(grade) participants for different events of SLTS-2024.
- Firebase Auth with email password.
- Dashboard for district wise DEC's and admin.
- Filter by group, event name, district.
- Search by student id and name.
- Cached Login.
- Data being read from Firestore.
- Deployed using Firebase hosting.
- Dashboards for event judges.
- Judge can grade participants for individual events.
- Admin can view events.
- Admin can view leaderboard of individual events.
- Admin can update the marking criteria of events.
- Dynamic routes were optimized for cost through URL query parameters.
- Admin dashboard, filter by needsPickup, needsDrop, arrivalDate, departureDate, checkInDate, checkOutDate.
- Judge can grade participants for group events.
- Judges can access curated-leaderboard.
- Participants sorted in the judge view list to ensure that any student participating in 2 events gets more priority as the judges might be waiting for the student in other event.
- On the day of actual event, registration desk can mark entry, report any corrections through corrections. Load optimized here by loading only one district data at a time as the participants are expected to arrive in a district-clustered manner.
- Accomodation details well formatted and accessible where data is grouped by arrival time, and district wise count inside each arrival time for precise logistics preparation.
Mobile View for Judge-related Pages
Laptop View for Dashboard Page
Ashwin Narayanan S
Gokula Krishnan
Vaibav V
Hari S K
Thilagan Iniyavan