Team Name: Synapse
Problem Statement: Tourism often lacks engagement and interactive experiences, leading to missed opportunities for travelers to discover unique local attractions and fully immerse themselves in local culture. Design a sophisticated gamified tourism application that motivates users to thoroughly explore their destination by earning points through uncovering hidden attractions and completing challenges and quests such as uploading photos taken from specific angles to match reference images. The application should also feature leaderboards, rewards, and integrated social sharing capabilities.
Tourism in India often lacks engagement, leading to missed opportunities for travelers to explore local culture.To overcome all these problems ,We are developing a gamified tourism platform designed to revolutionize how travelers explore their destinations. Our application will guide users to hidden attractions and cultural experiences through interactive challenges and quests, transforming the act of discovery into an engaging adventure. Leveraging AI-driven personalization, users will receive customized itineraries that adapt to their preferences and real-time conditions. This platform not only enriches the travel experience but also fosters a deeper connection with local culture, making every journey memorable.
- Eco-Friendly Travel Encouragement: The Green Points System rewards eco-friendly actions like sustainable travel choices and walking with points that can be redeemed for local rewards, encouraging sustainable behavior. The Carbon Footprint Tracker monitors trip emissions and suggests greener alternatives to reduce environmental impact, promoting responsible travel decisions.
- AI-Powered Personalization: The Dynamic Itinerary Generator in Travello uses AI to create personalized travel plans, adjusting them based on user preferences, real-time events, and weather updates. This ensures a customized and flexible travel experience.
- Gamification: Travello rewards users with points, badges, and achievements for completing challenges, encouraging exploration. As users level up, they unlock exclusive content and discover hidden locations.
- Challenges & Quest: Travello offers gamified experiences with photo challenges, leaderboards, and culture-based quests, enhancing user engagement. Successful participation earns rewards, making travel both fun and competitive.
Follow these steps to run the project locally:
- Clone the repository
git clone
cd Travello
For running the backend:
cd server
npm install
In the root directory of Server create a .env file and enter the following configuration
# Server Configuration
# JWT Configuration
JWT_SECRET= "a4V#9@c7eM^f8&nL!t3QzY*2WjD$bG7"
# MongoDB Configuration
npm run dev
Before running the project, you'll need to set up some environment variables:
MongoDB URI:
- If you don't have a MongoDB account, sign up on MongoDB Atlas.
- Create a new cluster and a database.
- Obtain your MongoDB connection string (URI) from the MongoDB Atlas dashboard.
- Replace and in the URI with your MongoDB password and database name.
For running the frontend :
Open another terminal for running frontend
cd Travello
npm install
npm run dev
Access the application only on http://localhost:5173/