Verification tool made specifically for Arma Sweden members for use in cooperation with the website
To start up the verification bot, make sure that node.js is installed and that npm
can be used in your terminal/shell.
To download all necessary NPM packages, use npm install
in the folder where all of the files are located. Afterwards, go to the json folder, and rename the conf.example.json
file to conf.json
, and edit the variables. The most important variables are the botToken
and the activity
Change the botToken
variable to a token that you have retrieved from the Discord developer portal. To generrate a token, create a new application, and then create a Bot account for that project, where the token can be found beneath the "Username" field. You should also change the activity
variable, to a text of your choice unless you want to retain the value that is currently written there in the example configuration. For more information regarding the different variables in the configuration, please refer to the wiki (TBD)
Once the Token and the dependencies have been prepared, you are free to start the bot. You can do so by running the npm start
command or by directly running node app.js
Arma Sweden website
Arma Sweden Discord
Discord.js GitHub
Discord.js Documentation
Express.js GitHub
Express.js Documentation