Discord music player with a bit of spice 🌶️🌶️
Prefix for this bot is annu
Now supports slash commands!
play [baja]:
Plays song/playlist/album from YT and Spotifyirshad [sher]:
Get an authentic Annu Malik shayari!queue:
Shows the current queueskip [next, agla] <number>:
Goes to next song or to the index specifiedjoin [connect]:
Connects to your voice channelpause [ruk]:
Pauses playbackresume [chal]:
Resumes playbackshuffle
: Shuffles queue\nclear
: Clears queue\ndisconnect [nikal, leave]:
Disconnect from voice channelfuckoff:
Don't do this.help:
Shows this message
/play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
annu play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Invite Annubot to your server with this link.
Don't forget to
Join the Annubot Discord server with this link!
- After cloning this repo, place an .env file in the repo folder to be able to run it locally. The file format should be:
DISCORD_TOKEN = <your discord token>
SPOTIFY_ID = <your spotify client id>
SPOTIFY_SECRET = <your spotify secret>
YT_KEY = <your Youtube API v3 key>
- You will also need the FFMPEG binary (not the python module) accessible through PATH in your respective OS.
- annubot.py is the main runfile.
- You can use the Dockerfile to run annubot locally. You will need the .env file regardless in the same directory as the Dockerfile.
- Run this code in a terminal:
docker build --no-cache --build-arg KEY=value -t annubot .
docker run -e KEY=value --env-file .env annubot
Jungle ka raja hota hai ek sher, jaldi karo pack up, ho gayi hai der…