Due to the project transitioning into a new software called Vidlium, I have decided to archive this repo. I don't plan on continuing development for "VDO.ninja-wrapper", all my efforts are now in https://vidlium.com.
This is VDO.ninja-wrapper (working title), and it allows someone to professionally bring in people's remote video feeds into programs like OBS.
It is built for professionals and beginers alike, with the controls any livestream director wishes they could have in more traditional video conferencing software, as well as simple controls anyone can use. Examples of the controls directors have are: remotely adjusting the camera settings of a guest, managing what controls guests have control of, tuning the bitrate and filters of both video and audio, and so much more. For end users, in the most basic format, it looks like a video conferencing call, and in the future, directors might be able to add custom branding to make the call feel like the stream they are calling into.
What is the price of this control? FREE! Because this system utilizes VDO.ninja at it's core, which is a peer-to-peer video system, you don't have to pay for us to have any expensive servers. There might be a paid version in the future, however, that will only add functionality for storing files, storing presets, authentication security, and/or other things. VDO.ninja-wrapper will always be Free.
Currently, there is no hosted site for VDO.ninja-wrapper, and so can't be utilized by the public. When a stable version is released, the link to it will be here with instructions of how you can get going with it.
Secondly, if you are looking for docs or examples about how you can use VDO.ninja-wrapper, we also don't have those released yet. Once this is hosted somewhere there will hopefully be documentation, examples, and templates directly embeded inside the site, however, there will also be a link to it here later as well.
YES PLEASE There are many parts of this in development, and you can help with any small or large chuncks.
Things that need to happen include:
- Link generation back-end & UI
- Main-menu UI on directors page
- Settings menu UX
- Save preset functions
- Actually starting the "Scenes" tab
- Quality-control testers
- Translations for text
- Writing documenation
VDO.Ninja is the core of this system/wrapper, and it is contructed with WebRTC to send the video feeds efficiently and effortlessly (for end users). This project utilizes VDO.ninja centerally, and wouldn't exist without it. So thank you imensly Steve!
VDO.ninja actually has it's own apps for different use cases, and can be used right now at VDO.ninja. VDO.ninja-wrapper is like another one of the apps, specializing in call-in show as well as general multi-camera use cases. So if you don't find what you need with VDO.ninja-wrapper, first tell us so we can fix it, but then also check the original VDO.ninja apps to see if that works for you.
Updated 12/27/22