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Front End do SaaS PUTU
🏠 Homepage Um SaaS feito em ReactJs e TypeScript, com a função de encurtar URL
- React
- fort-awesome
- axios,
- bootstrap
- date-fns
- node-sass
- react-router-dom
- styled-components
- typescript
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
- ⭐️ Star the project
- 🐛 Find and report issues
- 📥 Submit PRs to help solve issues or add features
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.
Amauri Antonio de Oliveira
- Email: amauriibate32@hotmail.com
- GitHub: @pitu-SaaS-FrontEnd
- LinkedIn: @amauri-oliveira-058066192
Copyright © 2020 Amauri Antonio de Oliveira This project is MIT licensed.