This is a tentative in creating a REST API server with Nodes JS, Express and MongoDB in order to;
- Receive environment data posts from IoT devices
- Serve the data for RESTfull requests in order to build data dashboards
This repository is heavely based on and thank you to:
The elements and modules developped are
- Nodes JS
- NPM modules --> Express/Mongoose etc...
- MongoDB
Data elements currently handeled and servered are: Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Luminosity, Air Quality Data elements planned, Giger counter, Air particules, gas, wind speed/wind direction
Devices in use are Arduino mkr1010, mkr1300, mkr1000, UNO, DUE. Raspberry Pi 3, Microsoft Azure Sphere
Sensors: Boesch BME680, DHT11, DHT22
Transport layers Wifi and LoRaWan