From the information in my possession, the image from which the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) must be extrapolated is a 5-band orthomosaic from a flight using a RedEdge-MX camera.
The specifications of the RedEdge-MX sensor are shown in the figure below, and can be consulted on the MicaSense web page at this link:
The purpose of this task is to calculate the normalized difference vegetation index from a starting image acquired with the RedEdge-MX sensor. From Wikipedia: it can be calculated using the following formula:
where Red and NIR stand for the spectral reflectance measurements acquired in the red (visible) and near-infrared regions, respectively. In our case, following the order of the bands shown in the sensor specifications, Red is the third band, while near-IR is the fifth band.
The starting image is shown in the following figure.
First of all, I extrapolated from the starting image the information contained in the Red and Near-IR bands using the following code.
infn = './input/path'
outfn = './output/path'
def openRaster(fn, access=0):
ds = gdal.Open(fn, access)
if ds is None:
print("Error opening Raster dataset")
return ds
def getRasterBand(fn, band=1, access=0):
ds = openRaster(fn, access)
band = ds.GetRasterBand(band).ReadAsArray()
return band
redband = getRasterBand(infn, 3)
nirband = getRasterBand(infn, 5)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12,6)), ax=ax1, cmap='Blues'), ax=ax2, cmap='Blues')
The following image compares the two results obtained.
I calculated the NDVI and created the processed image using the ndvi and createRasterFromTemplate functions, as shown in the following code snippet.
def createRasterFromTemplate(fn, ds, data, ndv=-9999.0, driverFmt="GTiff"):
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driverFmt)
outds = driver.Create(fn, xsize=ds.RasterXSize, ysize=ds.RasterYSize, bands=1, eType=gdal.GDT_Float32)
outds = None
ds = None
def ndvi(nirband, redband, ndv=-9999.0):
nirband[nirband < 0] = np.nan
nirband[nirband > 10000] = np.nan
nirband[redband < 0] = np.nan
nirband[redband > 10000] = np.nan
ndviband = (nirband-redband)/(nirband+redband)
ndviband[np.isnan(ndviband)] = ndv
return ndviband
ndviband = ndvi(nirband, redband)
createRasterFromTemplate(outfn, gdal.Open(infn), ndviband)
Finally, I got the following image as requested by the Task.
To make the result clearer, since the health of the plants can be related to NVDI in the way shown in the following image, I decided to use the QGIS Open Source Tool and choose a color scale that reflects the correlation previously described.