#TheTodoApp Basic todo app built on hybrid mobile application framework ionic (3.9.2)
API is lcoated in the path "/service". Its a PHP based WebAPI which can be hosted at any server configured with Apache and Mysql for database. To configure the connectionString, navigate to /service/Engine/Prote/config.php and change the values on line 53,53 and 54. Once the connectionString is ready, hit URL /install (with the service as root) and it will add the required table(s) to your database.
You will need to get latest node_modules in the main project as dependencies have been exluded from the version control.
To add any platform, follow the commands based on
(You can read more about it here) -
Once you are ready with the packages, plugins and platform(s), use the below command to run the project:
ionic cordova run <patform>
The project is still under development. A lot of changes and optmizations to come up with. Feel free to suggest any here or reach me iamtheking1abhishek@gmail.com