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A Django app that allows you to send email asynchronously in Django. Supports HTML email, database backed templates and logging.


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Django Post Office

Django Post Office is a simple app to send and manage your emails in Django. Some awesome features are:

  • Allows you to send email asynchronously
  • Supports HTML email
  • Supports database based email templates
  • Built in scheduling support
  • Works well with task queues like RQ or Celery
  • Uses multiprocessing to send a large number of emails in parallel



Build Status

  • Install from PyPI (or you manually download from PyPI):

    pip install django-post_office
  • Add post_office to your INSTALLED_APPS in django's

    # other apps
  • Run syncdb:

    python syncdb
  • Set post_office.EmailBackend as your EMAIL_BACKEND in django's

    EMAIL_BACKEND = 'post_office.EmailBackend'


To get started, make sure you have Django's admin interface enabled. Create an EmailTemplate instance via /admin and you can start sending emails.

from post_office import mail

    template='welcome_email', # Could be an EmailTemplate instance or name
    context={'foo': 'bar'},

The above command will put your email on the queue so you can use the command in your webapp without slowing down the request/response cycle too much. To actually send them out, run python send_queued_mail. You can schedule this management command to run regularly via cron:

* * * * * (/usr/bin/python send_queued_mail >> send_mail.log 2>&1)



mail.send is the most important function in this library, it takes these arguments:

Argument Required Description
recipients Yes list of recipient email addresses
sender No Defaults to settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, display name is allowed (John <>)
template No EmailTemplate instance or name
context No A dictionary used when email is being rendered
subject No Email subject (if template is not specified)
message No Email content (if template is not specified)
html_message No Email's HTML content (if template is not specified)
headers No A dictionary of extra headers to put on the message
scheduled_time No A date/datetime object indicating when the email should be sent
priority No high, medium, low or now (send immediately)
attachments No Email attachments - A dictionary where the keys are the wanted filenames, and the values are either files or file-like objects, or full path of the file.

Here are a few examples.

If you just want to send out emails without using database templates. You can call the send command without the template argument.

from post_office import mail

    message='Welcome home, {{ name }}!',
    html_message='Welcome home, <b>{{ name }}</b>!',
    headers={'Reply-to': ''},
    scheduled_time=date(2014, 1, 1),
    context={'name': 'Alice'},

post_office is also task queue friendly. Passing now as priority into send_mail will deliver the email right away (instead of queuing it), regardless of how many emails you have in your queue:

from post_office import mail

    context={'foo': 'bar'},

This is useful if you already use something like django-rq to send emails asynchronously and only need to store email related activities and logs.

If you want to send an email with attachments:

from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from post_office import mail

    context={'foo': 'bar'},
        'attachment1.doc', '/path/to/file/file1.doc',
        'attachment2.txt', ContentFile('file content'),

Template Tags and Variables

post-office supports Django's template tags and variables when. For example, if you put "Hello, {{ name }}" in the subject line and pass in {'name': 'Alice'} as context, you will get "Hello, Alice" as subject:

from post_office.models import EmailTemplate
from post_office import mail

    subject='Morning, {{ name|capfirst }}',
    content='Hi {{ name }}, how are you feeling today?',
    html_content='Hi <strong>{{ name }}</strong>, how are you feeling today?',

    context={'name': 'alice'},

# This will create an email with the following content:
subject = 'Morning, Alice',
content = 'Hi alice, how are you feeling today?'
content = 'Hi <strong>alice</strong>, how are you feeling today?'

Custom Email Backends

By default, post_office uses django's SMTP EmailBackend. If you want to use a different backend, you can do so by changing POST_OFFICE_BACKEND.

For example if you want to use django-ses:

POST_OFFICE_BACKEND = 'django_ses.SESBackend'

Management Commands

  • send_queued_mail - send queued emails, those aren't successfully sent will be marked as failed. If you have a lot of emails, you can pass in -p or --processes flag to use multiple processes.
  • cleanup_mail - delete all emails created before an X number of days (defaults to 90).

You may want to set these up via cron to run regularly:

* * * * * (cd $PROJECT; python send_queued_mail --processes=1 >> $PROJECT/cron_mail.log 2>&1)
0 1 * * * (cd $PROJECT; python cleanup_mail --days=30 >> $PROJECT/cron_mail_cleanup.log 2>&1)


You can configure post-office's logging from Django's For example:

    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "formatters": {
        "post_office": {
            "format": "[%(levelname)s]%(asctime)s PID %(process)d: %(message)s",
            "datefmt": "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S",
    "handlers": {
        "post_office": {
            "level": "DEBUG",
            "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
            "formatter": "post_office"
        # If you use sentry for logging
        'sentry': {
            'level': 'ERROR',
            'class': 'raven.contrib.django.handlers.SentryHandler',
    'loggers': {
        "post_office": {
            "handlers": ["post_office", "sentry"],
            "level": "INFO"

Batch Size

If you may want to limit the number of emails sent in a batch (sometimes useful in a low memory environment), use the BATCH_SIZE argument to limit the number of queued emails fetched in one batch.

    'BATCH_SIZE': 5000



if Django's caching mechanism is configured, post_office will cache EmailTemplate instances . If for some reason you want to disable caching, set POST_OFFICE_CACHE to False in

## All cache key will be prefixed by post_office:template:
## To turn OFF caching, you need to explicitly set POST_OFFICE_CACHE to False in settings

## Optional: to use a non default cache backend, add a "post_office" entry in CACHES
    'post_office': {
        'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.PyLibMCCache',
        'LOCATION': '',


Starting from version 0.6.0, post-office includes mail.send_many() that's much more performant (generates less database queries) when sending a large number of emails. Since this function uses Django's bulk_create command, it's only usable on Django >= 1.4.

Behavior wise, mail.send_many() is almost identical to mail.send(), with the exception that it accepts a list of keyword arguments that you'd usually pass into mail.send():

from post_office import mail

first_email = {
    'sender': '',
    'recipients': [''],
    'subject': 'Hi!',
    'message': 'Hi Alice!'
second_email = {
    'sender': '',
    'recipients': [''],
    'subject': 'Hi!',
    'message': 'Hi Bob!'
kwargs_list = [first_email, second_email]


Attachments are not supported with mail.send_many().

Running Tests

To run post_office's test suite:

`which` test post_office --settings=post_office.test_settings --pythonpath=.


Version 0.7.2

  • Made a few tweaks that makes post_office much more efficient on systems with large number of rows (millions).

Version 0.7.1

  • Python 3 compatibility fix.

Version 0.7.0

  • Added support for sending attachments. Thanks @yprez!
  • Added description field to EmailTemplate model to store human readable description of templates. Thanks Michael P. Jung (@bikeshedder)!
  • Changed django-jsonfield dependency to jsonfield for Python 3 support reasons.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 0.6.0

  • Support for Python 3!
  • Added mail.send_many() that's much more performant when sending a large number emails

Version 0.5.2

  • Added logging
  • Added BATCH_SIZE configuration option

Version 0.5.1

  • Fixes various multiprocessing bugs

Version 0.5.0

  • Email sending can now be parallelized using multiple processes (multiprocessing)
  • Email templates are now validated before save
  • Fixed a bug where custom headers aren't properly sent

Version 0.4.0

  • Added support for sending emails with custom headers (you'll need to run South when upgrading from earlier versions)
  • Added support for scheduled email sending
  • Backend now properly persist emails with HTML alternatives

Version 0.3.1

  • IMPORTANT: mail.send now expects recipient email addresses as the first
argument. This change is to allow optional sender parameter which defaults to settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
  • Fixed a bug where all emails sent from mail.send have medium priority

Version 0.3.0

  • IMPORTANT: added South migration. If you use South and had post-office installed before 0.3.0, you may need to manually resolve migration conflicts
  • Allow unicode messages to be displayed in /admin
  • Introduced a new mail.send function that provides a nicer API to send emails
  • created fields now use auto_now_add
  • last_updated fields now use auto_now

Version 0.2.1

  • Fixed typo in

Version 0.2

  • Allows sending emails via database backed templates

Version 0.1.5

  • Errors when opening connection in Email.dispatch method are now logged


A Django app that allows you to send email asynchronously in Django. Supports HTML email, database backed templates and logging.







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