blum auto clicker 4lph4 edition Blum Auto Clicker - is a tool designed to help you manage and interact with BlumCryptoBot. This tool will click on green objects instead of you, earning from 200-250 blums.
fist need to install python 3.12.6 download and install the .exe file then you need to add python to your system path Step 1: Download PIP
Before installing PIP, download the file. Run the following cURL command in the command prompt:
curl -o
python -m pip help
pip config -v list
python -m ensurepip --upgrade
pip --version
Clone the repository:
cd Blum_autocliker_bot
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the script: Run the following command in the command prompt:
python -m main.main
Press s to start the clicker
Press p to pause/resume the program