A simple and easy to use JS Botnet
- Clone repository
- Upload the "Botnet" folder to your webserver
- Edit "bot.js"
- Change the "SERVER_URL" variable to your website's url
- Change the "api_dev_key" varibable to match your pastebin's account key
- Change the "api_user_key" variable to match your pastebin's account key
- Done
- Edit the "cmds.txt" file - Each command on a seprate line
- Inject "bot.js" into the victim's webpage
You can put any JS code in the "cmds.txt" file and it will be executed [i.e. "alert('Hacked by Chowix40!')] or one of the following fuctions
- Usage - cmds.txt: DDoS(url)
- DDoSes a website via layer 7
- Usage - cmds.txt: getCreds()
- Looks for any login forms and saves the entered login info
- Login info will be saved to pastebin account as a private paste. Look for the [PW] marker
- Usage - cmds.txt: getCookes()
- Steals cookie information
- Cookies will be saved to pastebin account as a private paste. Look for the [C] marker
- Usage - cmds.txt: browserKill()
- Effect Varies on device and browser
- Same effect as crashsafari.com
- Usage - cmds.txt: reDire('example.com')
- Redirects to another webpage
- Usage - cmds.txt: ipLog()
- Saves IP data to pastebin account as a private paste. Look for the [IP] marker
- Optimize Code
- Add uids of some sort
- Add more functions
- Evil proxy server
- Any other way to inject JS files
- This is for educational purposes ONLY
- I or anyone else who works on this project can't and won't be held responsible for anything YOU do with this
- Please use responsibly