fty-security-wallet solve those problems :
- To store common configuration payload (let’s call it Wallet Document) including sensitive data
- To exchange sensitive data in a secure way
- To be notified when configuration are updated
- Have a different level of access (ACL)
- SNMPv3, SNMPv1 are some of the potential kind of configuration we would support
- Document: A payload of the security wallet. It has a public and private part (secret)
- Portfolio: Pool of documents.
- Usage: Purpose for which a document can be use.
- Producer: Client which can create, update and delete Documents. This client can only read the public part.
- Consumer: Client which can read documents (public and private part) but which cannot modify any document.
To build , run:
mkdir build && cd build
sudo make install
To run fty-security-wallet project:
- from within the source tree, run:
For the other options available, refer to the manual page of fty-security-wallet
- from an installed base, using systemd, run:
systemctl start fty-security-wallet
fty-security-wallet is composed of 1 agent and 1 client library :
Server side:
- SecurityWalletServer registers to malamute broker as security-wallet agent and handles mailbox requests
Client side:
ConsumerAccessor registers to malamute broker using a client id (agent name) and then can execute Consumer requests to the SecurityWalletServer
ProducerAccessor registers to malamute broker using a client id (agent name) and then can execute Producer requests to the SecurityWalletServer
SecurityWalletServer need a database file for the data (database.json) and a configuration file (configuration.json)
C++ Namespace for this project is "secw"
The Security wallet is use to store "Document". A document has:
- 1 header (id, type, name, list of usage and list of tag)
- 1 public part
- 1 private part (secret)
A document has a list of "Usage" A document has a list of "Tag" which are just a way to organize document
Each document are stored in a "Portfolio".
The SecurityWalletServer has a list of portfolio available.
In progress: Will be done using the notion of "Usage" of document
Api is available for producer and consumer. See secw_producer_accessor.h and secw_consumer_accessor.h
To be Defined