Build a multi-label classification model that can classifies messages/tweets sent during disasters. By automatically classifying tweets and messages related to various disaster into various categories it will allow for various affected communities and relief and rescue organisations to save time and discern where and when help is needed.
The repository should demonstrate data engineering skills by building an ETL pipeline and then using the cleaned data in an ML pipeline creating a classification model.
The stored model is then used in a Flask
webapp which can be used to predict new messages provided by users.
The labelled disaster tweets were provided by Appen.
There are a total of 26207 messages in our dataset and they are labelled with one or multiple of 36 different classes/labels. These classes along with their occurrence are shown in Fig.1.
Fig.1 - Counts of categories available in messages.Straight off the bat we can see that there is significant imbalance in the message labels ranging from $\sim$20,000, to a few 100 and even 0 for the child_alone label. This imbalance, if not handled properly, can lead to a model incapable of providing accurate predictions.
The model used in this work is a MultiOutputClassier
with a Random Forest classifier and after performing a
the best parameters were:
Parameter Name | Value |
max_depth | 200 |
max_features | auto |
n_estimators | 50 |
This model achieved a relatively high degree of accuracy (usually above 90%) for most message classes/labels. However, this accuracy is misleading as it was often the case where the test dataset had few or even no samples for particular labels.
The biggest concern I have with this model is the actual split of the data used for training and testing of our model.
I've used sk-learn's train_test_split
in order to create training and test datasets but this cannot guarantee that
we obtain a balanced representation of each label in our training and test sets. And, the obtained imbalance is evident
in our evaluation metrics and the inaccurate predictions obtained in the web app.
In order for this model to provide any value it must use a balanced training set. So for my first improvement I'd be interested in looking at the multi-label classification library scikit-multilearn which is specifically designed for such problems.
I've used Anaconda with Python 3.9.2 to create the environment for this work. You
can use the requirement.yml
file to create the environment locally using:
conda env create -f requirement.yml
You can then activate it with
conda activate disaster_pipeline
This will install various Python packages including numpy
, pandas
, sklearn
, plotly
, flask
and their
ℹ️ The model saved in this repository is stored with git lfs ℹ️
Run the following commands in the project's root directory to set up your database and model.
- To run ETL pipeline that cleans data and stores in database
python data/ data/disaster_messages.csv data/disaster_categories.csv data/DisasterResponse.db
- To run ML pipeline that trains classifier and saves
python models/ data/DisasterResponse.db models/classifier.pkl
⚠️ Note that this step can take a long time. Current setup using 6 cores takes about 1 hour to train.⚠️
- To run ETL pipeline that cleans data and stores in database
Run the following command in the app's directory to run your web app.
Go to
Type in a message and see how well the classifier works.
Below we have a brief description of the directories and the files they contain.
| -template
| ---master.html
: main page of web app
| ---go.html
: classification result page of web app
: contains plotly plot script for webapp
: Flask file that runs appdata
| -disaster_categories.csv
: data to process
| -disaster_messages.csv
: data to process
: ETL script
| -DisasterResponse.db
: database containing cleaned datamodels
: ML pipeline script
| -classifier.pkl
: enhanced saved model with extra features
| -classifierCV.pkl
: original saved modelplots
| -category_correlation.png
: plot of correlation between each category
| -category_counts.png
: plot of counts in each
: readme file.gitattributes
: contains files managed by git-lfs.gitignore
: file/folders to ignoreenvironment.yml
: anaconda python environment exportrequirements.txt
: pip python environment exporttesting.ipynb
: notebook for used for scratch code
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.