An Android "To-Do List" app that supports multiple to-do lists and stores data locally.
- Kotlin
- Jetpack Navigation
- Jetpack Compose
- Room
- Hilt
- Kotlin Coroutines
"To-Do List" app consists of two screens:
- Main Screen: Displays all saved to-do lists.
- To-Do List Screen: Displays tasks for a selected to-do list.
- Add new to-do lists.
- Delete lists via a long press (supports multi-selection).
- Select a list to view its tasks.
- Add new tasks to the list.
- Mark tasks as completed.
- Edit tasks with a left-to-right swipe gesture.
- Delete tasks with a right-to-left swipe gesture.
- Reorder tasks manually.
- Shuffle tasks randomly.
- Set a flag to auto-delete completed tasks.
- Delete all tasks in the list with a single action.