LNMIIT, Jaipur
- python3
sudo apt install python3
- tkinter
sudo apt install python3-tk
- progress
sudo pip3 install progress
- Crypto
sudo pip3 install Crypto
How to set up the project repo to use.
- Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/xyphanajay/multi_projection.git
- Install all the required packages
- Move to project dir
cd ./multi_projection
- Run start.py file using python3
python3 start.py
- Click on server button on main panel
- Provide port number on which you want to start listening
- GUI will provide you connected client info.
- Click on Sender button on main panel
- Provide IP address and port number of the server
- Mode of broadcasts:
- Text message only
- File with Top priority
- File with Low priority
- Quit to close the sender portal
- Click on Projection button on main panel 2, Provide IP and port of the server
- Wait for messages and files
- Low priority files will be displayed in Mailbox