We would really appreciate your contributions to WSO2 Identity Server / Asgardeo Docs to help make it even better than it is today! As a contributor, here are the guidelines we would like you to follow:
Please refer added sample en/asgardeo/docs/quick-starts/react.md.
Add below frontmatter yaml block to your new file along with quick start steps with H2 headings. Which will auto convert to steps in the page.
template: templates/quick-start.html
heading: <!-- Page heading -->
description: <!-- Page sub heading description -->
what_you_will_learn: <!-- List of text (HTML supported) -->
prerequisites: <!-- List of text (HTML supported) -->
source_code: <a href="link" target="_blank" class="github-icon"><!-- Sample Name --></a>
whats_next: <!-- List of text (HTML supported) -->
## Step 1
Some Content
## Step 2
Some Content
Please refer added sample en/asgardeo/docs/complete-guides/react.
Need below front-matter config in the doc file.
template: templates/complete-guide.html
heading: Introduction
read_time: 2 mins
And in define pages in mkdocs.yaml
config file.
React: fontawesome/brands/react
- Technology Guides:
- React: complete-guides/react/introduction.md
- React|hide_nav:
- Introduction: complete-guides/react/introduction.md
- Prerequisite: complete-guides/react/prerequisite.md
- Next Steps: complete-guides/react/next-steps.md