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Paper Details

  • Title: SoundNet: Learning Sound Representations from Unlabeled Video
  • Authors: Yusuf Aytar, Carl Vondrick, Antonio Torralba
  • Link: arxiv
  • Tags: Multi-Modal Learning, Transfer Learning, Audio Recognition
  • Year: 2016


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  • Acoustic scene classification is an important problem with a variety of real-world use cases.
  • In recent years, object and speech recognition performance have been revolutionized by the emergence of massive labeled datasets.
  • Unfortunately, corresponding progress in natural sound understanding has proceeded at a slower pace, in large part due to a lack of comprehensive labeled datasets.

Problem Overview

This paper poses and seeks the answers to two questions:

  1. Can we take advantage of the natural synchronization between vision and sound to acquire training data more easily?
    • Unlabeled video can be economically acquired at massive scales from online sources.
    • Acoustic representations and embeddings could be learned directly from unlabeled video.
  2. Can discriminative knowledge from well-trained visual models be transferred into the audio domain?
    • Unlabeled video could act as a bridge between the visual and audio domains.

Related Work

Audio Recognition

  • Previous work in large-scale audio understanding has been primarily focused on the tasks of music and speech recognition.
  • Acoustic scene classification has largely been dominated by classical general classifiers (SVMs, GMMs) and manually crafted sound features (MFCCs, spectrograms).
  • Some exploration of the relationship between vision and sound modalities has been conducted in the domain of deep learning, but in the opposite direction: producing sound from images

Transfer Learning

  • Transfer learning has been widely studied for vision tasks such as object detection, but transferring from vision to other modalities has only recently become possible with the emergence of high-performance visual models.
  • Previous work in teacher-student models has explored compression of discriminative knowledge from complex models to simpler models, while attempting to retain accuracy.
  • SoundNet builds upon this work, extending it beyond homogeneous input/ouput modalities.



  • Flickr contains a wealth of short, natural, and unedited video clips that capture a variety of sounds in everyday, in-the-wild situations.
  • Dataset constructed by querying for popular tags and dictionary words.
  • More than 2 million videos were collected, each ranging from a few seconds to several minutes minutes in length.
  • Dataset consisted of over a year of continuous natural sound and video playback.

Model Objective

  • Student Teacher Learning
    • SOTA visual models teach SoundNet to recognize scenes and objects from corresponding audio tracks in videos.
    • Learning is jointly supervised by visual models designed for both scene and object classification.
    • For each example, teacher and student networks aim to have the same output probability distribution.
    • Downside is that SoundNet does not understand the meaning or context of the audio it is classifying, it is simply learning to reproduce output distributions from visual teacher networks.
  • Loss Function
    • Utilizes KL-divergence to penalize SoundNet output distributions that differ from their visual supervisors.
    • Fully differentiable, allowing for optimization via back-propagation and SGD.

CNN Architecture

  • Convolutional Network
    • Series of 1-D convolutions followed by ReLU nonlinearities.
    • Operates directly on raw audio waveform input.
  • Variable Length Input/Output
    • Fully convolutional network making use of only convolutional and pooling layers.
  • Network Depth
    • Large amounts of video data enable use of deep architectures without significant overfitting.
    • 5 and 8 layer networks with 3 max-pooling layers each are explored.

Sound Classification

  • Sound categories we wish to recognize may not appear in visual content. For example, sneezing is an action that is hard to capture on video but readily apparent in audio.
  • Semantic meaning can be attached to sounds with a specific strategy:
    1. Ignore output layer of network and use internal representation as feature extractor.
    2. Pick a layer in the network to use as input feature for classifier.
    3. Train a linear SVM using a small amount of labeled sound data for concepts of interest.


Experimental Setup

  • Train models for various tasks using split unlabeled training video dataset extracted from Flickr:
    • 2,000,000 training examples
    • 140,000 held-out validation examples
  • Report classification accuracy of trained network on 3 different datasets:
    • DCASE - Natural sounds from 10 types of scenes, 30 seconds long
    • ESC-50 - Environmental sounds from 50 categories, 5 seconds long
    • ESC-10 - Subset of ESC-50 with only 10 categories

Baseline Approach

  • Convolutional Autoencoder for Sound:
    • Same # of layers as SoundNet: 4 encoder layers, 4 decoder layers
    • Encoder layers use same first 4 conv layers as SoundNet.
    • Decoder layers use fractionally strided convolution layers to upsample.
  • Implementation Details:
    • Trained with same video dataset with MSE loss for several days.
    • Deeper autoencoders were also explored, but performed worse.

Sound Classification Performance

  • SoundNet posts SOTA results in sound classification on both ESC-10 and ESC-50, nearing human performance in some cases.
  • Some common confusions include: laughing/hens, footsteps/door knocks, and insects/washing machines.

Acoustic Scene Classification Performance

  • SoundNet also posts SOTA results in acoustic scene classification, beating the previous best method by 10%.


Ablation Analysis

  • Loss and Teacher Net
    • KL loss performs much better than L2 loss.
    • Increased visual supervision performs better.
    • Progress in sound understanding may be furthered by building stronger vision models.
  • Network Depth
    • 8 layer network performs better than 5 layer.
    • Suggests depth is helpful for sound understanding.
    • Even deeper networks may perform even better, so long as large amounts of data are available .
  • Supervision
    • 5 layer network for scratch init performs better, since 8 layer overfits to small dataset.
    • Unlabeled video with more data performs better.
    • Suggests unlabeled video is a powerful signal for sound understanding.

Multi-Modal Recognition

  • When comparing visual vs. audio embeddings for the task of scene classification, the authors noted that audio features contain a considerable amount of semantic information by themselves.
  • However, sound does not offer much information beyond visual features, as combining visual+audio embeddings only offers a 2% improvement in performance on the scene classification task.
  • Looking at t-SNE embeddings between the two types of features, it is clear that it is easier to differentiate between scenes using visual features.