A Vert.x client allowing applications to interact with a RabbitMQ broker (AMQP 0.9.1)
This service is experimental and the APIs are likely to change before settling down.
Add the following dependency to your maven project
Add the following dependency to your gradle project
dependencies {
compile 'io.vertx:vertx-rabbitmq-client:3.5.0.Beta1'
You can create a client instance as follows using a full amqp uri:
var RabbitMQClient = require("vertx-rabbitmq-js/rabbit_mq_client");
var config = {
// full amqp uri
config.uri = "amqp://xvjvsrrc:VbuL1atClKt7zVNQha0bnnScbNvGiqgb@moose.rmq.cloudamqp.com/xvjvsrrc";
var client = RabbitMQClient.create(vertx, config);
Or you can also specify individual parameters manually:
var RabbitMQClient = require("vertx-rabbitmq-js/rabbit_mq_client");
var config = {
// Each parameter is optional
// The default parameter with be used if the parameter is not set
config.user = "user1";
config.password = "password1";
config.host = "localhost";
config.port = 5672;
config.virtualHost = "vhost1";
config.connectionTimeout = 6000;
config.requestedHeartbeat = 60;
config.handshakeTimeout = 6000;
config.requestedChannelMax = 5;
config.networkRecoveryInterval = 500;
config.automaticRecoveryEnabled = true;
var client = RabbitMQClient.create(vertx, config);
You can pass additional config parameters to RabbitMQ’s exchangeDeclare method
var config = {};
config["x-dead-letter-exchange"] = "my.deadletter.exchange";
config["alternate-exchange"] = "my.alternate.exchange";
// ...
client.exchangeDeclare("my.exchange", "fanout", true, false, config, function (onResult, onResult_err) {
if (onResult_err == null) {
console.log("Exchange successfully declared with config");
} else {
The following are some examples of the operations supported by the RabbitMQService API.
Consult the javadoc/documentation for detailed information on all API methods.
Publish a message to a queue
var message = {
"body" : "Hello RabbitMQ, from Vert.x !"
client.basicPublish("", "my.queue", message, function (pubResult, pubResult_err) {
if (pubResult_err == null) {
console.log("Message published !");
} else {
Publish a message to a queue and confirm the broker acknowledged it.
var message = {
"body" : "Hello RabbitMQ, from Vert.x !"
// Put the channel in confirm mode. This can be done once at init.
client.confirmSelect(function (confirmResult, confirmResult_err) {
if (confirmResult_err == null) {
client.basicPublish("", "my.queue", message, function (pubResult, pubResult_err) {
if (pubResult_err == null) {
// Check the message got confirmed by the broker.
client.waitForConfirms(function (waitResult, waitResult_err) {
if (waitResult_err == null) {
console.log("Message published !")} else {
} else {
} else {
Consume messages from a queue
// Create the event bus handler which messages will be sent to
// Create the event bus handler which messages will be sent to
vertx.eventBus().consumer("my.address", function (msg) {
var json = msg.body();
console.log("Got message: " + json.body);
// Setup the link between rabbitmq consumer and event bus address
client.basicConsume("my.queue", "my.address", function (consumeResult, consumeResult_err) {
if (consumeResult_err == null) {
console.log("RabbitMQ consumer created !");
} else {
Will get a message from a queue
client.basicGet("my.queue", true, function (getResult, getResult_err) {
if (getResult_err == null) {
var msg = getResult;
console.log("Got message: " + msg.body);
} else {
// Create the event bus handler which messages will be sent to
vertx.eventBus().consumer("my.address", function (msg) {
var json = msg.body();
console.log("Got message: " + json.body);
// ack
client.basicAck(json.deliveryTag, false, function (asyncResult, asyncResult_err) {
// Setup the link between rabbitmq consumer and event bus address
client.basicConsume("my.queue", "my.address", false, function (consumeResult, consumeResult_err) {
if (consumeResult_err == null) {
console.log("RabbitMQ consumer created !");
} else {