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The following tools are required for doing development on Karpenter.

Package Version Install
go v1.15.3+ brew install go
kubectl brew install kubectl
helm brew install helm
Other tools make toolchain


Setup / Teardown

Based on which environment you are running a Kubernetes cluster, follow the Environment specific setup for setting up your environment before you continue. Once you have the environment specific settings, to install Karpenter in a Kubernetes cluster run the following commands.

make codegen                     # Create auto-generated YAML files.
./hack/          # Install cluster dependencies and karpenter
./hack/ --delete # Clean everything up

Developer Loop

  • Make sure dependencies are installed
    • Run make codegen to make sure yaml manifests are generated
    • Run make toolchain to install cli tools for building and testing the project
  • You will need a personal development image repository (e.g. ECR)
    • Make sure you have valid credentials to your development repository.
    • $KO_DOCKER_REPO must point to your development repository
    • Your cluster must have permissions to read from the repository
  • Make sure your cluster doesn't have previous installations of prometheus and cert-manager
    • Previous installations of our dependencies can interfere with our installation scripts, so to be safe, clear those, then run ./hack/
  • If running ./hack/ fails with Error: Accumulate Target, run make codegen successfully, and try again.

Build and Deploy

make dev                                  # build and test code
make apply                                # deploy local changes to cluster
CLOUD_PROVIDER=<YOUR_PROVIDER> make apply # deploy for your cloud provider


make test       # E2e correctness tests
make battletest # More rigorous tests run in CI environment

Verbose Logging

kubectl patch deployment karpenter -n karpenter --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args", "value": ["--verbose"]}]'

Debugging Metrics


open http://localhost:9090/graph && kubectl port-forward service/prometheus-operated -n karpenter 9090

Karpenter Metrics

open http://localhost:8080/metrics && kubectl port-forward service/karpenter-metrics-service -n karpenter 8080

Environment specific setup


Set the CLOUD_PROVIDER environment variable to build cloud provider specific packages of Karpenter.


For local development on Karpenter you will need a Docker repo which can manage your images for Karpenter components. You can use the following command to provision an ECR repository.

aws ecr create-repository \
    --repository-name karpenter/controller \
    --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true \
    --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}

Once you have your ECR repository provisioned, configure your Docker daemon to authenticate with your newly created repository.

aws ecr get-login-password --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $KO_DOCKER_REPO