vZome is a desktop application for creating virtual Zome models. This subproject contains the source code for just the controllers and views of the user interface; it requires the ../core
subproject to provide all the models and basic behaviors, including loading and saving files.
(These instructions are primarily for Linux or Mac, or any other Unix, but some basic functionality has also been adapted for Windows.)
The standard Gradle Wrapper build command should work fine:
./gradlew clean desktop:build
Note that the Gradle Wrapper installs Gradle itself, the first time you run one of these commands.
Gradle has support for IDE integration. I use Eclipse, so the Gradle command for generating an Eclipse project is extremely helpful to me:
./gradlew eclipse
This command must be executed twice. Once from within the vzome-core folder and again in the vzome-desktop folder before the two projects can be opened by Eclipse. An Eclipse launch configuration file (vzome-desktop.launch) is included. It will be used in the generated Eclipse project for vzome-desktop.
Existing projects are opened in Eclipse by using "File | Import... | Existing Projects into Workspace" and selecting the folder where the build command was executed (vzome-core and/or vzome-desktop).
The NetBeans 8.1 IDE supports Gradle projects with the Gradle plug-in available at http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/44510/gradle-support. Version of the plug-in has been used to load vzome-desktop and vzome-core in NetBeans 8.1. The Gradle plug-in should be installed in NetBeans before attempting to load the vzome-desktop project or the vzome-core project. After installing the plugin, open the project(s) using File | Open Project and select vzome-desktop/build.gradle and/or vzome-core/build.gradle.
Once you have successfully built vZome, you can run it as a Gradle task using the command:
gradlew run
... or in Windows PowerShell:
./gradlew run
On the Mac, you can package a self-contained application for vZome, with an embedded JRE, using this command:
./gradlew createApp
The app will appear as build/macApp/vZome.app.
If you want to build a disk image containing the app, you can do:
./gradlew createDmg
The disk image will show up under build/distributions.