Jenkins job executed every night at ~ 4:00 CET.
It runs ansible playbook sn06.yml
from infrastructure-playbook repository. The playbook updates Galaxy server and runs all the included roles.
The configuration overview of the
Jenkins job:
- Discard old builds:
- Strategy: Log Rotation
- Max # of builds to keep:
- Max # of builds to keep:
- Strategy: Log Rotation
Source Code Management:
- Git:
- Repository URL:
- Branches to build:
- Repository URL:
Build Triggers:
- Build periodically:
- Schedule:
H 2 * * *
(every night at ~2:00 UTC == ~4:00 CET, minutes are set randomly)
- Schedule:
Build Environment:
- Delete workspace before build starts
- Use secret text(s) or file(s):
- Secret file:
- Variable:
- Credentials:
- Variable:
- Secret file:
Build Steps:
- Virtualenv Builder:
- Python version:
- Nature:
- Command:
- Python version:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yaml
cp $VAULT_PASS .vault_password
ansible-playbook -i hosts sn06.yml --extra-vars "__galaxy_dir_perms='0755'"
rm -d .vault_password
Post-build Actions:
- E-mail Notification:
- Recipients:
<>, <>
- Send e-mail for every unstable build
- Recipients:
Jenkins jobs run every night at ~ 3:00 CET.
installs and updates tools, saving the logs and updating tools repo with new lockfiles. It sends an email to a specified list of recipients in case of job failure.
is triggered if the previous job is successful. It restarts gunicorns one by one in order to make the newly installed tools visible and accessible by users.
job runs if the previous job is successful and transforms logs into the Markdown report, saving it to github repo.
The configuration overview of the
Jenkins job:
- Discard old builds:
- Strategy: Log Rotation
- Max # of builds to keep:
- Max # of builds to keep:
- Strategy: Log Rotation
Source Code Management:
- Git:
- Repository URL:<tools_repo>.git
- Credentails:
- Branches to build:
- Repository URL:
Build Triggers:
- Build periodically:
- Schedule:
H 1 * * *
(every night at ~1:00 UTC == ~3:00 CET, minutes are set randomly)
- Schedule:
Build Environment:
- Delete workspace before build starts
- Use secret text(s) or file(s):
- Secret text:
- Variable:
- Credentials:
- Variable:
- Secret text:
Build Steps:
- Virtualenv Builder:
- Python version:
- Nature:
- Command:
- Python version:
git checkout main
pip install -r requirements.txt
# create lockfiles
make fix
# install tools
# commit lockfiles on github, allow to fail if no changes
git add *.yaml.lock
git commit -m "Update lock files. Jenkins Build: ${BUILD_NUMBER}" -m "$(date +%Y-%m)/$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M)" || true
Post-build Actions:
- Archive the artifacts:
- Files to archive:
- Files to archive:
- Git Publisher:
- Push Only If Build Succeeds.
- Branches:
- Branch to push:
- Target remote name:
- Branch to push:
- E-mail Notification:
- Recipients:
<>, <>
- Send e-mail for every unstable build
- Recipients:
The configuration overview of the
Jenkins job:
- Discard old builds:
- Strategy: Log Rotation
- Max # of builds to keep:
- Max # of builds to keep:
- Strategy: Log Rotation
Source Code Management:
- None
Build Triggers:
- Build after other projects are built:
- Projects to watch:
- Trigger even if the build is unstable.
- Projects to watch:
Build Environment:
- Delete workspace before build starts
Build Steps:
- Virtualenv Builder:
- Python version:
- Nature:
- Command:
- Python version:
# run gxadmin admin utility to restart gunicorns sequentially
ssh <usegalaxy.it_ssh_user>@<usegalaxy.it_IP> "sudo gxadmin gunicorn handler-restart"
The configuration overview of the
Jenkins job:
- Discard old builds:
- Strategy: Log Rotation
- Max # of builds to keep:
- Max # of builds to keep:
- Strategy: Log Rotation
Source Code Management:
- Git:
- Repository URL:<reports_repo>.git
- Credentails:
- Branches to build:
- Repository URL:
Build Triggers:
- Build after other projects are built:
- Projects to watch:
- Trigger even if the build is unstable.
- Projects to watch:
Build Environment:
- Delete workspace before build starts
Build Steps:
- Virtualenv Builder:
- Python version:
- Nature:
- Command:
- Python version:
git checkout main
# make dir for each month
mkdir reports-$(date +%Y-%m) || true
# name of report file
POST="$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M)"
# transform log file to markdown report
cat <>/report.log | python <>/scripts/ > reports-$(date +%Y-%m)/${POST}
# commit report
git add .
git commit -m "Jenkins Build: ${BUILD_NUMBER}"
Post-build Actions:
- Git Publisher: A post-build action that deals with pushing changes to remote repositories.
- Push Only If Build Succeeds.
- Branches:
- Branch to push:
- Target remote name:
- Branch to push:
Email notifications are enables by mailer
Jenkins plugin.
To send email notifications from gmail account, some steps need to be performed with gmail account and Jenkins settings. They are generally described below:
Jenkins mailer setup:
- In the Gmail account
- Log in to the Gmail account.
- Go to Settings
- “How you sign in to Google” → enable and configure 2 step verification
- When it’s enabled go again to “How you sign in to Google” → “2-step Verification”
- Scroll down to “App passwords”
- Generate application password (Other) and save it to use in Jenkins
- In Jenkins
- Log in to Jenkins as an administrator.
- Go to "Manage Jenkins" > "Configure System."
- Scroll down to the "E-mail Notification" section.
- Enter the following details:
- SMTP server:
- Click “Advanced”
- "Use SMTP Authentication": checked
- User Name:
- Password:
- "Use SSL": checked
- SMTP Port:
- SMTP server:
- “Test configuration by sending test email”: checked
- Enter the same email or your email address, where you can check the incoming messages
- Click “Test Configuration” in the bottom right corner
- Check if you got the message
- In a Jenkins project:
- Add post-build actions
- "E-mail Notification"
- Enter where to send notification
- "Send e-mail for every unstable build": checked
Now you’ll get messages in case of failure, and when the project is back to normal